Smartphone brand naming principles

When it comes to smartphones, I believe everyone is familiar with them, but what you don’t know is that smartphones were transformed from handheld computers, and the leading smartphone appeared in 1993. Up to now, whether it is the famous Apple smartphone or the Xiaomi smartphone that has attracted much attention in China, these are all inseparable from the brand effect. So how to name a smartphone brand? What are the principles for naming smartphone brands?

1. Simplicity

Succinctness does not mean that the length of the word is short. Simple names reuse only a few letters of the alphabet.

Don’t deliberately modify the brand name, try to keep the name simple and clear. You must know that only big brands can have profound names. Small brands only need to win their own market share. A mysterious name will make people confused.

2. The shorter the better

The words, syllables and letters of the brand name are precious. If you can find short words, you should not use long words. In fact, no brand name should be complicated or difficult to remember.

3. Colloquial and down-to-earth

A good name must first be read smoothly. Only catchy trademarks and names can leave a deep impression on consumers. When naming a smartphone brand, avoid words that are difficult to pronounce, weird, and difficult to pronounce, and try to use words that are familiar to people and easy to read.

4. The name is related to the industry to which it belongs.

This means that you can guess what it does when you hear the name.

5. Highly identifiable and not easily deformed when spread

A name is a symbol. If it is in a person's memory, the word can easily slip into another phrase or be blurred. , then this brand name is a failure.