Complete list of names in "World of Warcraft": Demon Hunter-Illidan Stormrage, Lich King Arthas, Horde Leader Thrall, Sylvanas, Malfurion Stormrage.
1. Demon Hunter-Illidan Stormrage
Demon Hunter is very popular. Blizzard itself has said that the mission of the Demon Hunter Novice Village starts from a prison built to imprison demons before the fall of the Dark Titan Sargeras. The Alliance and Horde will need these to fight the Burning Legion. The power of an evil being who once served the Illidari. It seems like it must have been a whitewash this time, and of course our protagonist Illidan has made a successful return.
2. Lich King Arthas
Alsace, this resounding name, and of course his rune sword Frostmourne, are mostly his opponents. His love came from this, so we see cosplayers playing Arthas at every BlizzCon.
3. Tribal Chief Thrall
Tribal Chief Thrall embraced the Darkspear Troll, Bloodhoof Tauren and Blackwater Goblin. Later, Thrall later added the influence of the tribe in the Eastern Continent to the Forsaken Undead led by Sylvanas to join the tribe. Even the blood elves who were enemies in World War II were accepted by his generous donation. .
4. Sylvanas
The popularity of the three Windrunner sisters has always been very high, especially Sylvanas, who was very popular during her lifetime and became the Forgotten One after her death. The popularity is even greater. If you dare to criticize the queen, I am afraid that the majority of fans will hate you.
5. Malfurion Stormrage
Under the guidance of the demigod Cenarius, the patron saint of druids, the venerable Malfurion Stormrage thousands of Has been protecting the night elves from demons for years. During the War of the Ancients, Malfurion and other heroes fought against the terrifying Burning Legion in Warcraft 3 Warchief Thrall to protect all life on Azeroth, including his future love Tyrande Whisperwind and His brother Illidan.