Where does the plasmid exist in the cell? Is it only in the nuclear region?

First of all, the concept of plasmid is a "particle" within the "plasm" of a cell. It can be seen that the name already includes its location. Of course, this was the early concept of the discovery of plasmids

Now it has been discovered that plasmids not only mainly exist in prokaryotes, but also in eukaryotes. In prokaryotic cells, because there is no nuclear membrane, all materials, including host chromosomes, exist in the cytoplasm (you can imagine a pot of eight-treasure porridge, the nuclear region and plasmid are all in that porridge), so there is no question whether the plasmid is in the nucleus or not. District issues. Most of the plasmids found so far in eukaryotes exist in chloroplasts, because chloroplasts are believed to have originated from prokaryotes.

The 2um plasmid in yeast is a true eukaryotic plasmid. It does exist in the nucleus (nucleus with cell membrane) because this plasmid is linked to nuclear proteins (similar to eukaryotic chromosomes) properties), but are independent of chromosomes.

Other eukaryotic expression vectors are basically artificially constructed and exist in the cytoplasm.