What is the meaning of the name You?

The meaning of the name "奥" is: to express generosity, deepness, and virtue.


The radical is part of the radical, 6 strokes outside the radical, 9 strokes in total

Wubi PDEF, Cangjie JKB, Zhengma WDGQ

Tolerance, forgiveness, forgiveness: forgiveness. Extended information

Chinese character strokes:

Related words:

1. Fuyou [fǔ yòu]?


2. Lianyou [lián yòu]?

Pity and forgiveness.

3. Siyou [sì yòu]?


4. You sit [yòu zuò]?

You can put the person on the right side of the seat as a reference.

5. Forgiveness [yòu shù]?
