Use the picture generator to set the flowchart highlighting of activiti6.0 source code analysis.

In the process of a process flow, it may pass through multiple nodes or stay at a task node. So how do we intuitively show which nodes the current process has completed, or where the current process has reached at this time? Then the image generator ProcessDiagramGenerator provided by activiti is used here. Using it, you can highlight the nodes or connections in the process (that is, circle them with obvious colors) and generate the input stream of pictures. Of course, you can also set the icon and font of each node in the flowchart.

If the default picture generator can't meet our business needs, for example, I ask users to use blue or other colors when highlighting tasks, I want the fonts displayed in the pictures to be bold and italic? So if so, how should it be achieved?

The user-defined class inherits DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas, in which the business requirement is that the connection is marked in blue, so it is necessary to rewrite the drawConnection method, and only need to modify the color of the connection when the highlighted parameter is true.

2. Extend the DefaultProcessDiagramConGenerator. When initializing ProcessDiagramCanvas, use the customized ProcessDiagramCanvas. We can create our customized initprocessdiagramcavan by modifying the last behavior in the initprocessdiagramcavan method.

Note: generateProcessDiagram method must be defined at the same time, and the implementation is the same as that in DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator. If it is not defined, the program will still call the generateProcessDiagram method in DefaultProcessDiagramGenerator to generate the default DefaultProcessDiagramCanvas.

3. Use the custom picture generator to generate the flow chart.

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