The store name is the signature of a store and is indispensable for every store. When some people choose a name, they usually choose to pick it casually without thinking carefully. But in fact, this idea is wrong. The quality of the store name will determine the future development of a store. We should not underestimate the importance of choosing a store name. thing, so how do you choose a store name that is eye-catching?
How to come up with a creative store name?
01. Combine the store name with hot spots. Today’s young people like some fashionable things very much, and the store name, as the sign of the store, must be full of highlights. Many young people who like to chase trends and are thoughtful are more Store names are often combined with hot spots, but attention should be paid to the timeliness of this hot spot.
02. Create a store based on an interesting theme. Some stores have their own themes. When choosing a store name, you can choose a good store name based on the theme. This can not only promote the theme but also benefit the store. Customer choice.
03. To capture people’s preference for “foreign” products, people always feel that foreign products are always better than domestic ones. In other words, “the moon in foreign countries is rounder”, so many stores nowadays They all have foreign characters. If you want to give your store an eye-catching name, you might as well try this method. This kind of store name can satisfy the foreign-seeking mentality of young people nowadays and is more likely to attract customers.
A collection of creative store names that stand out
Shoe store: East Shoes and West Foot
This is everyone’s childhood memory, and the hero Jin Yong must not have expected it. The two masters of the evil sect in my works have really become shoes this time. Just imagine these words written in big words on the store sign. Isn’t it particularly eye-catching and creative?
Shoe Shine Shop: Come and Shine Shoes
What is the highlight of this name? Although it does not have the reference to the previous one, nor is it very funny, it is valuable because of its simplicity. Just like the craftsmanship of the owner of this store, he is not polite or beat around the bush, but as long as you choose this place, he will give you the best service and wipe away the dust of your journey.
Clothing store: Yiluke
If you hadn’t been there and seen this before, you wouldn’t have imagined it, even though it’s just a clothing and belt store. shop, but this name can cleverly connect the two, and it is quite graphic and attractive. This is the success of this store name.