With regard to equipment selection, personal experience is only on the single board. Boots are the most important equipment for beginners. Whether you can ski comfortably for a day or suffer in the snow depends largely on whether the boots are suitable. Novices suggest choosing relatively soft boots. The size should be such that the big toe can touch the front of the boot without sticking up. You'd better go to the store to try on your shoes.
Different people's feet fit different shoes. After trying it on, walk back and forth, squat, squat and jump to make sure there are no pain and pressure points. After choosing shoes, it will be better if the ski shop has heat setting, which can help make the shoes fit faster. The board and fixer are also freestyle flexible boards and fixers. Rocker and true twin are recommended for motherboard comparison. Relatively easier to control and steer.
Skiing is divided into double boards and single boards, and my experience is limited to double boards. It seems that people who have a little sports talent in snowboarding can sneak up when they are familiar with it, and even feel that they can find out the essentials of braking after a few trips in the novice teaching area. However, don't be fooled by the illusion. Shuangban skiing is not a fast sport, but it requires extremely high joint flexibility, body coordination and center of gravity control. With the increase of slope and speed, the demand for technical skills increases geometrically. The technical hidden trouble left by the rapid development of the basic stage will leave obstacles for the later advanced stage, and will also lay hidden dangers for the later middle and advanced snow skiing.
If economic conditions permit, it is recommended to find a reliable coach-the kind who claims to take you to the middle one day and try to avoid it. If you are confident in your understanding of sports, or the economic conditions do not allow, you don't need a coach, but you should study the teaching videos carefully and consult reliable experts when you encounter bottlenecks.
If equipped, I think a good helmet and snow goggles are necessary to reach the intermediate level. After all, it is a life-saving equipment at a critical moment. Besides helmet snow goggles, if you decide to take skiing as a long-term hobby, a pair of snowshoes that suit you will be the most helpful to enhance the experience. The rest depends on the economy. In a word, skiing is an extreme sport, so please stay in awe.