On the day of Jiazi and at the time of Jiazi, the child is far away from the grid, the year and month are no Geng, Xin Shen and You, the ugly is tripping at noon, the ancestors are independent, noble. If the year and month are both Yin, and you are lucky, you will be rich and your fortune will be reduced. In the second year of Zihai Mao, he traveled to the west, which was expensive. Jia Chen Yue is also expensive. In the month of You, only in terms of official status, it is very noble. Si Wu Xu month, normal. In the midday month, the armor is dead and the child is in conflict, which is especially unlucky. In the months of Yimao and Yisi, the main law is death. The above instruments are mainly based on day and hour, and are supplemented by the year and month of the person's life. If the official and emperor are different, the previous generation is also the order. The same below.
On the day of Jiayin and Jiazi, Gong Chou is pungent and expensive. There is no Geng, Xin, Shen, You and Chou in the year and month, and it is noble. In the second month of Jiayin, I will be alone, but I can only hate the Tao. In the year of Haizi, the fourth grade is expensive. In the midday month, traveling in the northeast is also expensive. For example, in Youchou Si and other months, there is obviously an official evil, but the pillars have seals, so they are all expensive. Mao Wei, if the body is too strong, it will be punished. In Yisi month, I was punished. In the month of Dinghai, death is the worst in the prosperous period.
At the time of Jia Chen and Jiazi, if the water level is high, the water will overflow and the trees will float, the Lord will move the roots and change the leaves; the Shen Yue will be marked by evil stars, all of which will be valuable. The Zi month carries water and wood luck, which is also noble. In You month, the official is a noble person. The month of Yin Wu and Xu is auspicious. Yi Mao month, punishment break. Guisi month, death in water and fire. Guihai month, fierce death.
Jiawu day and Jiazi time, when the time and the sun are in conflict, the wife is sad, and the moon is full of wood energy, and the person is noble. The pure year and month of Ziwu, or the month of Haiwei and You are both valuable.
On the Jiashen day and the Jiazi period, when the Jia fetus meets the seal, it becomes evil and expensive. When the mandarin ducks overlap, the heirs will be in trouble. If you are traveling in the southeast, civil and military positions will be in the middle. Haimao Weichen, Chou Shen and other months are all expensive. Yi Mao Yue Yao. Ding Si month, the dead body is incomplete.
On the day of Jiaxu and during the time of Jiazi, the gate of Haitian was arched together with the Emperor's palace. The place where Jia lives forever cannot be discussed at the same angle. The year and month of the year are full of gold, rich and noble. In the year of Wuyin, if the person is deaf and mute, or may be harmed by wolves or tigers, it will be auspicious to see Ren. In the month of Yimao, he was sentenced to death; in the month of Yihai, he was killed by robbery. The above six days, months, and joys and taboos should be considered flexibly. The same below.