That is, a special form of singing with rhythm. Originated from the poor black community in new york.
It is characterized by telling a series of rhyming poems quickly under the background of mechanical rhythm. One of the sources of this form is a fast rhyming jargon used by radio presenters to introduce records in the past.
Accuse or rap the rhythm of music, and the style of blues music, including human voice, is skillfully integrated with music. Accompaniment usually includes electronic drums of samples (digitally isolated loud segments) combined from other music recordings.
The origin of music:
One of the earliest phrases was used in reprimand, which may be found in the "Joy of the Talker" (1979) recorded by Sugarhill Gang tonight.
In addition to rap music, a music sub-culture group that sings rhythmically with percussion music also includes other forms of expression, including broken dance and street painting art, as well as unique idioms and popular concepts.