In Song Dynasty, titles were divided into three grades.
In the early Northern Song Dynasty, there were twelve classes: Wang, Heir Wang, County King, Duke Guo, Duke Guo, Duke Guo, Duke Guo, Hou Guo, Bo Guo, Son Guo and Founder Guo. The Zongshen dynasty was divided into nine levels: king, county king, monarch, monarch, monarch, Hou, Bo, Zi and Gong. The order of official products promulgated by Zhezong Dynasty is divided into ten grades: king, heir king, county king, county monarch, county monarch, founding monarch, founding emperor, founding uncle, founding son and founding father. There are ten classes in the Southern Song Dynasty: Wang, Heir Wang, County King, County Princess, Founding County Princess, Founding County Princess, Founding Hou, Founding Uncle, Founding Son, Founding Father. The so-called titles are nothing more than kings, princes, marquis, uncles, sons and men. Kings (including heir kings and county kings) can only seal the royal family and imperial clan. The story of the Han family in the Song Dynasty is "not Liu, not Wang", and no one with a different surname was knighted.