Cats belong to the class Mammalia, order Carnivora, and family Feline. The cat's body is divided into five parts: head, neck, trunk, limbs and tail, and the whole body is covered with hair. Cats have fat pads on the bottom of their toes, making them walk silently. It will not scare away rats when catching them, and has sharp claws on its toes. The claws can be retracted and extended. Cats retract their claws when resting and walking, and extend them when catching mice to avoid making noise while walking and causing their claws to be blunted. Cats have four digits on their forelimbs and five digits on their hind limbs. Cat's teeth are divided into incisors, canines and molars. The canine teeth are particularly developed and sharp as cones, suitable for killing captured rodents. The chewing surfaces of the molars have sharp protrusions, suitable for chewing meat; the incisors are underdeveloped. Cats are agile and good at jumping.
Civet cats are produced in China and are a natural cat species formed after thousands of years of natural elimination. As we all know, the Song Dynasty's "raccoon cat for prince" is the earliest allusion about civet cats that we can find, so the CAA Cat Association used Dragen-Li when giving English names to civet cats. Cihuahua cats are widely loved by the people because of their beautiful coat, good health, easy to raise, and good at catching mice.
[Appearance] The head of the civet cat is rounded, the ears are closely spaced, of medium size, the ears are broad at the base, broad and deep, and the top is rounded. The cheeks are broad, giving the head a rather rounded appearance. The eyes are large, bright, and almond-shaped. The current color can range from yellow, gold to green, and usually have eyeliner. The nose is brick red with a nose line.
The civet cat has a moderate body shape and a wide and deep chest. The limbs and tail are of moderate length, strong and muscular. The overall feel is strong and well balanced.
The back hair can be divided into long hair and short hair, and the markings are beautiful. Because they resemble the markings of wild raccoons, we usually call them civet markings; there are M-shaped markings on the forehead, and continuous extending lines at the corners of the eyes. There are ring-shaped markings on the neck, limbs and tail, and the body has complete fishbone markings or leopard spots. The color of the back hair is usually brown or dark brown. Some cats have white body hair, which is called raccoon white. The markings of a tabby cat should be beautiful and clear. Usually the foot pads and palm hair are black. In the wild, it is precisely because of this protective color that the ancient cat species, the civet cat, has survived to this day.
[Character] Cihuahua cats are independent, lively and active. They are very sensitive to changes in the surrounding environment and show extreme dependence on their owners. Once their owners change, it will have different psychological effects on them. of harm. Adult civet cats don't like to play with people very much, but they will always appear in your sight. If you like cats that are reserved, confident and loyal, then the civet cat is a good choice for you!
[Raising Points] Cihuahua cats are easy to raise at home. As long as they have palatable food and clean drinking water, they can live happily. And because they have evolved over thousands of years, their self-adjustment functions are also very perfect, and ordinary minor illnesses and disasters cannot trouble them at all.
Civet cats in the eyes of industry professionals
Since civet cats have not yet become mature purebred cats recognized by the world, and the standards are still being formulated, everyone can express their opinions. Cihuamao’s understanding.
Cloud Cat
[Origin] It is named because the color of its fur is like the clouds in the sky. It is also called coconut cat and palm cat because it likes to eat coconut trees and palm sap.
[Appearance] The cloud cat's fur is brownish-yellow or black-grey, with a black head, white spots below and on the sides of the eyes, black spots on both sides of the body, and several black vertical stripes on the back and limbs. The tail is dark brown and the appearance is very beautiful. It is a precious ornamental cat.
Its breeding period is not fixed, with two litters a year, each litter containing 2-4 cubs. This cat is only distributed in southern my country. [English name] Felis bieti
[Place of Origin] Mongolia, Sichuan, Qinghai, Gansu, Ningxia and Shaanxi, China
[Appearance characteristics] There are no obvious stripes on the whole body, back and limbs The outer side is sandy yellow, the middle part of the back is slightly dark reddish brown, and has very obvious long peak hair, which has become one of its most distinctive features. The jaws are white, the front chest is light yellowish brown, and the abdomen is dark yellow.
[Physique] Desert cats are larger, with a body length of 60 to 80cm and a weight of about 5kg.
[Head] The head is off-white, with two diagonal dark brown stripes on the cheeks, and a light gray color between the two stripes.
[Ears] The base of the ears is light reddish brown, and there are short tufts of hair about 20 mm long on the tips.
[limbs] The limbs are slightly longer.
[Coat color] The back of the body and limbs are light yellowish gray, and the center of the back is reddish brown; there are no obvious stripes on the whole body, except for a few thin and unobvious dark stripes on the inside of the buttocks and forelimbs; the palms of the limbs are all dark brown. Long hair; there are short tufts of hair on the tips of the ears and two horizontal stripes on the cheeks; the tail color is the same as the body color, with several dark brown stripes on the end, and the tail tip is black.
[Habits] Inhabits loess hilly steppes, deserts, semi-deserts, grassland meadows, mountain coniferous forest edges, alpine shrubs and alpine meadows at an altitude of 2800 to 4000 meters. It also grows in snow. Activities on the ground. Hearing and smelling are well developed. Live a regular life, go out for activities in the morning, dusk and night, and rest during the day. They are solitary and live alone except during the breeding season. They mainly feed on rats, pikas, marmots, birds, etc., so the activity area is closely related to the distribution of these animals. In the alpine bare rock areas and spruce forests on shady slopes, due to the lack of plants, the number of rodents is rare. So there is no trace of it. In areas such as cypress sparse forests and alpine shrubs, where there are good food and hiding conditions and a large number of rodents, traces of their activities, such as footprints, shed hair balls, food remains and feces, are very common. In spring, when the ground surface has not completely thawed, it relies on K's sensitive vision, smell and hearing to use its front paws to push away the topsoil above the plateau zokor's tunnel, and catch the plateau zokole when it comes out to block the hole. Rats that move on the ground can generally be captured on the spot. Summer is the breeding and lactation season for desert cats. At this time, a large number of rat pups also begin to live independently and move frequently on the ground, which happens to provide desert cats with abundant food sources and is conducive to nurturing their pups, so during this period The desert cat's activity range is also relatively small and very fixed. In autumn, various rodents invade the naturally dry wheat piles in rural fields. Some dig tunnels from the ground and extend under the wheat sheaves, pulling wheat ears and stems into the tunnels. At this time, desert cats also follow the rodents. Come, there are frequent activities around the wheat sheaves at night. In winter, when the temperature is low and the ground is freezing, desert cats go to the edge of the cliff at night to prey on finches, chickens and other small and medium-sized birds. However, excessively deep snow often affects the activities of rodents, causing a shortage of food for desert cats. Sometimes they are forced to move near residential areas and steal poultry. Most male animals live in such caves. It also has a habit of reusing old nests.
[English name] Persian
[Category] Long-haired cat
[Origin] United Kingdom
[Origin] Persian is an ancient Iran's country name. The BT family is the most common and typical breed. The Persian cat is actually based on the native long-haired cat in Afghanistan and the Angora long-haired cat in Turkey or Armenia. After more than 100 years of selective breeding in the UK, it was established in 1860. A breed born in 2001. Persian cats have a lovely face, long and gorgeous coat, and elegant manners. Therefore, they are known as the "Prince of Cats" and "Princess" and are therefore very valuable. A purebred Persian cat can cost thousands of dollars and is one of the most popular cats among cat lovers in the world.
[Appearance characteristics] Persian cats have a short horse shape, a strong and round body, a round head and face, and four limbs; they are thick and short, have a short nose, and have large and round eyes. The coat is particularly plump. This is a double-layered coat, consisting of two types of hair: long, soft and fluffy underground undercoat, and slightly longer and rough undercoat. Ear hair (the awn hair of good purebred cats at the exhibition can reach 12 cm). From snow white to jet black; from silver gray double layer gradient to obvious tortoise shell color - white piebald. Persian cats that meet exhibition standards are extremely expensive.
[Physique] Pony type, strong and rounded torso, large or medium stature. Chest broad and deep. Shoulders and buttocks? Full in the middle, straight back. Muscular. . But not overly fat.
[Head] Round and big, with a very broad skull and plump cheeks
[Ears] Small, with rounded tips and tilted forward. The base is not too wide; the ears are widely spaced, located low on the head, and join along the rounded lines of the head
[Eyes] are large and round; the eye color is bright. The eyes are widely spaced , giving people a cute look
[Nose] Short, flat, broad. There is a [crack] in the middle of the eyes
[Chin] Full, strong and round, well developed, reflecting well Bite
[limbs] short and stout. Forelimbs straight; hindlimbs straight when viewed from behind.
[Foots] strong, round and large. Toes close together; The forelimbs each have five toes, and the hind limbs have four toes
[Tail] Short, but proportional to the body
[Coat] Unique double-layered coat. The undercoat is dense, It is covered by a layer of long and smooth waterproof coat. In winter, the dense undercoat is fully grown, so the winter coat is fuller than the summer coat. The quality and type of coat are most important, and the color and pattern are less important. Requirements
[Habits] Persian cats are intelligent, gentle, responsive and considerate. The temperament is quiet on the outside and active on the inside. On the surface, it is quiet and lazy, but it hides its inner emotions and desires the care of its master. It combines the excellent temperament of a pet, is elegant, quiet and cute, optimistic, honest to people and easy to communicate with. He is also a famous mouse catcher.
[English name] Burmese
[Category] Short-haired cat
[Origin] Myanmar
[Origin] In the thirties In the early 1990s, Dr. Joseph Thomson of San Francisco, USA, obtained an attractive walnut-brown female cat from Burma. He named it "Wong Mau" because he could not get a male cat of the same species at that time. I had to let him mate with a Siamese cat. After breeding with Siamese cats, this unique breed - Burmese cat was created. During the breeding process, some kittens with lighter coat colors will be obtained, and American breeders require the U.S. CFA to also confirm these light-colored cats. Initially, these light-colored cats were listed as another breed, Malayan, and later became Burmese cats. DiluteDivision in.
[Appearance characteristics] The Burmese cat has a plump body shape and strong muscles; its limbs are slender, and the forelimbs are shorter than the hind limbs; the paws are small and oval; the tail is of moderate length. The head is moderately wedge-shaped, with high cheekbones and a slightly short nose. The upper eye sockets of the eyes hang upward, the lower eye sockets are round, and the eyeballs are yellow; the ears are medium in size, with slightly oval tips; the coat is short and dense, round and shiny, as smooth as satin, and is prized by people.
[Physique] Medium stature, muscular, strong body. Chest?
[Head] Whether viewed from the front or side, the head is round. The mask is short and wide, and well developed. The chin is strong and round, reflecting a good bite.
[Ears] Thin ears, basically short ears, with the base of the head connected to the head. The position is wider, the tips of the ears are rounded, and the position is slightly downward
[Eyes] are large and round, with a wide spacing
[Nose] An obvious concave position
< p>[Foot soles] are round in shape. Each forelimb has five toes, and the hind limbs have four toes[Tail] Straight, medium length
[Coat] Short and dense , with a silky luster
[Coat color] 1. Sable (Sable) 2. Champagne (Champagne) 3. Blue (blue) 4. Platinum (Platinum)
< p>[Habits] Burmese cats are not as noisy as Siamese cats. They are gentle, naughty and lively, and their sounds and movements are very cute.It likes the company of others, is not afraid of strangers, is like a child, is particularly friendly and friendly, and can get close to everyone. It is a good ornamental companion animal and is very suitable for families with children.
A type of carnivorous cat. It has been domesticated and raised by humans very early. It is good at catching rats for food, and also eats frogs, birds and other small animals. The ears are mostly upright; the eyes are large and round, with strong pupil adjustment function; the face is plump; the sense of hearing and smell are sensitive. The canines are sharp and artificially fed mainly with fish and meat. There are 5 toes on the forelimbs and 4 on the hind limbs; the claws are sharp and retractable; there are soft fleshy pads under the feet, which can act as a buffer, which is helpful for tiptoeing close to and attacking prey, and it is good at climbing trees. The tentacles have strong sensory function and are conducive to movement in the dark. Because their ancestors lived alone, they are very independent, but after training, they can easily establish a relationship with their owners. European domestic cats originated from African lynxes, and Asian domestic cats are generally believed to have originated from desert cats in India. There are many artificially bred varieties, which can be divided into long-haired cats and short-haired cats. The coat colors include black, white, yellow, gray, purple, spotted and striped, etc.
Felidae; cat family
A family of the order Mammalia, order Carnivora. The body is medium to large, with a well-proportioned body, medium-long limbs and walking toes. The head is large and round, the snout is short, and the senses of sight, hearing, and smell are all well developed. The canine teeth and cleft teeth are extremely developed; the upper cleft teeth have three cusps, and the lower cleft teeth have 2 cusps; the molars are relatively degraded, and the crown diameter is smaller than the height of the outer incisors; tooth pattern. The fur is soft and often has distinctive patterns. There are 5 toes on the front feet and 4 on the hind feet; the claws are sharp and retractable (the claws of cheetahs cannot be fully retracted). The tail is generally more developed. Most are good at climbing and jumping. Most people like to live alone. It is carnivorous and often hunts other warm-blooded animals in ambush. It is distributed in the frigid to tropical areas of Eurasia, Africa, and North and South America. ***5 genera, 36 species, 4 genera and 13 species native to China. Among the cats, tigers, lions, leopards, jaguars, cheetahs, snow leopards, clouded leopards, and lynxes are all famous ornamental animals. Lions and tigers are often domesticated and performed in circuses; domestic cats are expert mousers and famous pets; cheetahs can be domesticated Hunting; tiger bone wine can treat rheumatic inflammation; the furs of tigers, leopards and lynxes are extremely valuable. Many species are now listed as protected animals.
Cat-scratch disease
cat-scratch disease
An acute infectious disease mainly caused by domestic cats scratching or biting people. The disease is benign and self-limiting, and most patients recover within 2 to 3 months. First reported in 1950.
The pathogen is unknown. Some people have found Gram-negative bacilli in skin scratches and swollen lymph nodes. They can be isolated with special culture media and may be the cause of the disease. Some people also believe that the pathogen is a virus, but the virus has not been isolated using chicken embryos, tissue culture and animal inoculation. Some people also believe that the pathogen is chlamydia. About 90% of patients get the disease from scratches, bites or licks from domestic cats. A few patients can also get sick from being scratched or bitten by dogs. The disease mostly occurs in autumn and winter. There is long-lasting immunity after illness, and reinfection is rare.
The incubation period of cat scratch disease is generally 2 to 6 weeks. The skin at the scratch or bite site may be inflamed, painful, and may suppurate; local lymph nodes may be swollen and tender, and in a few patients the lymph nodes may become suppurated and may rupture to form sinus tracts; there may also be mild generalized lymph node enlargement and splenomegaly; approximately 1/3 of patients may develop fever, with body temperature between 38 and 41°C, accompanied by headache, general malaise, etc.; a few patients develop congestive maculopapular rash, nodular or multiforme erythema 3 to 10 days after illness; some patients have Conjunctivitis and conjunctival granuloma, accompanied by preauricular lymph node enlargement, is called Parrino's eye-node syndrome; patients may also develop encephalitis, meningitis, myelitis, polyneuritis, thrombocytopenic purpura, Osteomyelitis, etc.; the total number of white blood cells and neutrophils in peripheral blood increased slightly, and the erythrocyte sedimentation rate increased rapidly.
Diagnostic basis: history of being scratched or bitten by a cat; typical clinical manifestations such as skin inflammation and suppuration at the scratched site, local lymphadenopathy and fever; positive Hanger-Ross skin test; lymph node biopsy, The disease is diagnosed by the presence of reticulocyte hyperplasia and necrotizing granulomatous lesions.
There is no specific treatment, and symptomatic treatment is the main one. Antipyretic and analgesic drugs can be used to reduce fever and relieve pain; when lymph nodes are suppurating, puncture and extraction of pus can be done to reduce fever and systemic poisoning symptoms; incision and drainage are not suitable. To avoid fistula formation; antibiotics can be used in case of secondary infection. To prevent this disease, you should avoid being scratched and bitten by cats. If scratches or bites occur, you can apply iodine and alcohol locally.