In probability statistics, what is Cauchy distribution?

Cauchy distribution, also known as Cauchy-Lorenz distribution, is a continuous probability distribution named after augustin louis cauchy and hendrik lorentz, and its probability density function is

f(X; X0, γ)= 1/πγ[ 1+(X-X0) square/γ square]

Where x0 is the position parameter defining the peak position of the distribution, and γ is the proportional parameter of the half width at half the maximum value.

As a probability distribution, it is usually called Cauchy distribution, and physicists also call it Lorentz distribution or Bright-Wigner distribution. Its importance in physics is largely attributed to the fact that it is the solution of a differential equation describing forced resonance. In spectroscopy, it describes the shape of spectral lines broadened by resonance or other mechanisms. The statistical term Cauchy distribution will be used in the next section.

The special case of x0 = 0 and γ = 1 is called standard Cauchy distribution, and its probability density function is

f(X; 0,1) =1/π [1+x squared]


Its cumulative distribution function is:

f(X; X0,γ)=( 1/π)* arctan[(X-X0)/γ]+ 1/2

There is no definition of mean, variance or moment of Cauchy distribution, and its mode and median are defined as equal to x0.

Let x represent a random variable of Cauchy distribution, and the characteristic function of Cauchy distribution is expressed as:

φx(t; X0, γ) = exp (absolute value γ)= exp(I * x0 * t-γ* t)

If u and v are two independent random variables with normal distribution, the expected value is 0 and the variance is 1, then the ratio of U/V is Cauchy distribution.

If X 1, …, Xn are independent and identically distributed random variables that respectively conform to Cauchy distribution, then the arithmetic mean (X 1+…+Xn)/n has the same Cauchy distribution. To prove this, let's calculate the characteristic function of the sampling average:

φ x pull (t)=E[exp(i*x pull *t)]

Where x-pull is the sampling average. This example shows that we can't abandon the finite variable hypothesis in the central limit theorem.