What kinds of pronouns are there?

Pronouns are divided into 10 categories, which are personal pronouns, possessive pronouns, demonstrative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, reciprocal pronoun, interrogative pronouns, relative pronouns, indefinite pronouns, connecting pronouns and substitutes.

1, personal pronoun

A kind of pronoun used as a substitute noun to directly refer to a person (s) or a thing (s), such as: I (us), you (us), she (us), he (us), it (us) and so on.

2. Possessive pronouns

Possessive pronouns can be divided into adjective possessive pronouns and noun possessive pronouns. Referred to as visible generation and famous generation. Changes in the number of personal and possessive pronouns. The possessive pronoun of the third person singular and the change of gender. Indicates who is who, usually added before common nouns.

3. Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns are pronouns expressing demonstrative concepts, that is, pronouns used to indicate or identify people or things. Demonstrative pronouns, like definite articles and personal pronouns, have specific meanings and are used to indicate or replace the nouns mentioned above.

4. Reflexive pronouns

Reflexive pronouns are pronouns that express reflexivity or emphasis. Its basic meaning is to refer to the subject through reflexive pronouns, so that the actor can reflect his actions to himself in form. Therefore, reflexive pronouns and the nouns or pronouns they refer to form a mutual referential relationship, which is consistent in person, nature and number.

5. Interactive pronouns

The reciprocal pronoun and the noun or pronoun it refers to are a mutual reference, so it is plural or more.

6. interrogative pronouns

Interrogative pronouns play the role of noun phrases in sentences and are used to form interrogative sentences.

7. Relative pronouns

Relative pronouns refer to leading words and make certain sentence elements in clauses. Relative pronouns can be divided into nominative, accusative and possessive cases, and can also be divided into signified and signified. Relative pronouns are used to guide attributive clauses.

8. indefinite pronouns

Indefinite pronouns is a grammatical term, which can be used as subject, object, predicative, attributive and adverbial in a sentence. Indefinite pronouns is a pronoun that does not specify any specific noun or adjective.

9. Conjunctive pronouns

When interrogative pronouns cause clauses, they are called connective pronouns.

10, substitution word

Substitutes are mainly used to replace nouns that have appeared before to avoid repetition.

Refer to Baidu Encyclopedia-Pronouns for the above contents