How to give foreign friends a nice name?

Caesar, Caesar, Latin, emperor; Furry.

Calvin, Calvin Latin, bald.

Carey, Carey, Wells People who live in castles.

Karl, Karl, Germany, a great man; Dude.

Carl, Kyle, Norway, people who live in the swamp.

Carter, Carter, England, people with carriages.

Cash, Keshi, Latin, vanity, cash.

Cecil, Cecil Latin, is blind.

Cedric, Cedric, commander of the Celtic war; Generous.

Chad, Chad, Britain, experienced soldiers.

Qian Ning, Johnny, French, pastor.

Chapman Cheberman, British businessman; Supplier.

Charles Charles Latin Teutonic, strong, male, noble heart, strong.

Chacel, Xia Zuo, ancient French hunters.

Chester Rome, juster, small town.

Christ, Chrysler, Hebrew Christ.

Christians, Christians, Greeks, followers of Christ, believers.

Christopher, Christopher, Greece, the messenger or servant of Christ, represents the meaning of Christians.

Claire, Creaer Latin, clear-headed.

Clarence, Clarence, Latin, clear-headed; Smart; Famous.

Clark, Clark Latin and English scholars.

Claude, Claude Latin, the lame.

Clement Clement, Latin, kind and kind man.

Cleveland, Cleveland, England, people from the rock area.

Cliff in Clifford, England, comes from a steep mountain area.

Clifford, Clifford, England, fork near the cliff, fortress.

Clyde, Clyde Wells can hear you from far away.

Colbert, colbert, England, crew.

Colby, Colby Norway, people from dark areas.

Colin, Colin, Gail, the baby is still a baby.

Conrad, Konrad Teutonic, donor, wisdom; A mentor.

Cory, Cory, the Scot who lives by the lake.

Cornelius, cornelius, Latin, the corner of the sun; monarchical power

Cornell Cornell France, blond man.

Craig, Clayton Celtic, cliff dwellers.

Curie Curtis France, polite.

Cyril, Cyrillic Greece, nobility.

Eamon's wealthy guardian

Edgardo, a successful soldier.

Edmond's successful protector

The successful ruler of Edrich

Edward's wealthy protector.

Edwin's rich friend

Halsey is from Hal Island.

Hanley comes from the plateau grassland.

Hackett, the little man who lives in the forest

Keane is smart and bold; soldier

Kelby comes from a farm near the hot spring.

Leander Lion Man

Lear grassland

Lehel breathing

Ye Xiaokai's darling

Leiden ranch

Lis, a fast-flowing river

Leland comes from the grassland.

Napoleon jungle lion; Neapolitan

Sabre sword

Safford Liushuhe Ferry

Ceylon is noble

Tab brilliant; drum

XuanYuanLuoYin is brave; Someone who praises others.

Tanton's quiet riverside house

Vader, the man in the forest