Steam client update has been disabled by command line switch or configuration file?

The update of Steam client has been disabled by command line switch or configuration file, which is said to be because hackers exploited the vulnerability of the old version of steam.

Because the vulnerability was exploited, we tried to upgrade in the "Check the steam client update" in the upper left corner of "steam", prompting that "the steam client update has been disabled by the command line switch or configuration file, please remove the mask ...".

Unfortunately, I was recruited by hackers before. When I checked my mail today, I found that my stock was sold.

But reloading will delete all the game content, so the following solution is given.

Delete all files in the folder where Steam is located except Steam and Steam apps, then create a new folder with any name (such as test), and then download the latest Steam client and install it in your new folder (test). After the installation is completed, copy all the files in it, then start steam normally and return to normal.

Or directly find the steam.cfg file in the steam file directory, first change the suffix to txt, then change all the enable and disable in it to able and save it, then close the file and change the suffix back to cfg, and reopen steam to see that the steam client is automatically updated.

Steam updated the online code of conduct, explicitly mentioning that players are forbidden to "fry fish" with trumpet, and this behavior is classified as cheating. Such behaviors include: running cheating programs; Bullying junior players with trumpets; Improve the matching level by unconventional means.