Don is Dong Wang and. When Wu Tong came to Douro mainland, in order to protect her, Tang San deprived her of an idea and put it on Wang Qiuer, making Wang Qiu look like Wu Tong, so Wang Qiu had the soul of Huang Jinlong.
Actually, it's not Wang Qiuer's soul. Wu Tong, who lost his mind, also lost his memory. She was named (Dong Wang) and met Huo. While (Dong Wang) was sleeping, he sacrificed for Huo, and that infatuation returned, thus becoming a real Tang. Wang Donger (Dong Wang) is a Tang Wutong, but she is incomplete and has no charm. The complete Tang is Tang.
Wang Donger's soul didn't self-destruct, but she just blended that infatuation and added more memories of her and Wang Qiuer in the celestial world. Note: Dong Wang is Wang Donger's name when he wears men's clothes.
Tang is a character in Douluo Continent and its derivative works by Tang Sanshao, and also the heroine in Douluo Continent II. Daughter of Poseidon, Shura, Tang Sanhe and Xiaowu, Tang Hao, the owner of Douluo mainland plane, and the granddaughter of Ayin, the core of life.
Hundred-level true gods, great god circle is currently a second-level god, butterfly god. Douluo was nicknamed "Goddess of Light" and named "Dragon Butterfly/Winter Butterfly".