The material settings are not static, nor are they irregular. What is given here is a rough parameter value. The specific values ??must be modified according to the lighting of the scene. The difference will not be huge. Of course, there are also There are many other adjustment methods. Here I only introduce the VR adjustment method. I hope it can serve as a starting point.
The most commonly used materials in our lives are the following: stone, glass, cloth, metal, wood, wallpaper, paint, plastic, and leather.
1. Stone material
Material analysis: There are three types of stone: mirror surface, soft surface, and concave and convex surface
1. Mirror stone: the surface is smooth and reflective , smaller highlight
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - stone texture map lOb(XH9
Reflect (reflection) - 40
Hilight glossiness-0.9
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-1
Subdivs (subdivision) -9
2. The soft surface is smooth, blurred, and the highlights are small< /p>
E 8$S0u;`
Diffuse - stone texture map
Reflect - 40
Hilight glossiness -Close
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) -0.85
Subdivs (subdivision) -25
3. The surface of the concave and convex surfaces is smooth and has bumps. , smaller highlights
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - stone texture map
Reflect (reflection) - 40Hilight glossiness-off
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) ) -1 Z
Subdivs (subdivision) -9
Bump (bump map) - 15% is associated with the diffuse reflection map
4. Marble material
Diffuse - stone texture map
Reflect - attenuation 1
Hilight glossiness-0.9
Glossiness ( Glossiness, smoothness) -0.95
5. Porcelain material
The surface light surge has reflection and very bright highlights
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - Porcelain texture (white porcelain 250)
Reflect (reflection) -Attenuation (can also be set directly to 133. To turn on Fresnel, some only set it to about 40)
Hilight glossiness-0.85
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) -0.95 (reflection is changed to 0.85 for 40)
Subdivs (subdivision) -15
Maximum depth-10
BRDF-WARD (can be changed to PONG if no attenuation is used)
Anisotropy: 0.5
The rotation value is 70,
p>Environment: OUTPUT, the output is 3.0 2. Cloth material: Material analysis: Commonly used are divided into three types: ordinary cloth, blanket, and silk, which have different characteristics mainly based on surface roughness.
1. Ordinary fabric: The surface has minor roughness, small reflection, and the surface has a velvety and concave-convex feel.
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - FALLOFF [attenuation], close-range attenuation That is, the black color block is the cloth map, and the close attenuation is the white color block with a custom material tone.
Reflect (reflection) - 16
Hilight glossiness-0.3 or so
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-1
Bump (bump map) - associated with the diffuse reflection map, depending on the degree of roughness
2. Blanket: surface Rough, small reflection, velvety and bumpy on the surface. There are several ways to make blanket materials. One is similar to cloth materials. The fabric materials in Archinteriors are all made in this way. The bumps are adjusted according to the roughness. Some only have bumps. In the texture, other parameters remain unchanged. Some use VR hair plug-ins to make them. In order to increase the texture of blanket fur, many use VR displacement maps.
A. How to use VR hair plug-in:
VRayFur is a very simple procedural hair plug-in. Hair is only generated during rendering, and the effect cannot be observed in real time during scene processing. Create a hair object and select any geometric object in 3dsmax. Pay attention to increase the number of meshes and click VRayFur in the creation panel. This is the current Source object - the source object that needs to add hair
< p>Length - the length of the hairThickness - the thickness of the hair Gravity - controls the strength of pulling the hair down in the Z direction
Bend - controls the curvature of the hair (Note: 1.49 .03 has this parameter!)
Sides - Currently this parameter is not adjustable. Hair is usually rendered as polygons facing the traced ray; normally interpolation is used to create a smooth representation.
< p>Knots - Hair is rendered as several connected straight segments. This parameter controls the number of straight segments.Flat normals - When checked, the normals of the hair are not proportional to the width of the hair. will change. Although not very accurate, this is very similar to other hair solutions. It also helps to obfuscate the hair and makes sampling the image a little easier. When unchecked, the surface normal will be edged in width. To vary, create a hair with a cylindrical shape.
Direction variation - This parameter adds some variation in the direction of the hair growing on the source object. Any value is valid. This parameter is also scene-dependent. Proportion.
Length/Thickness/Gravity variation - Add variation to the corresponding parameters. Values ??from 0.0 (no change) to 1.0Distribution - Determine the density of the hair covering the source object!
.Per face - specifies the number of hairs on each face of the source object. Each face will produce the specified number of hairs43*;
.Per area - the number of hairs on the given face is based on the size of the face. Compare Smaller faces have less hair, larger faces have more hair. Each face has at least one hair.
Reference frame - This specifies the source object to get the frame used to calculate the face size. Get The data will be used throughout the entire animation process to ensure that the number of hairs on the given surface remains unchanged during the animation
.Placement - determines which surface of the source object generates hair
Entire object - All faces generate hair
Selected faces - Only the selected faces (such as the MeshSelect modifier) ??generate hair
Material ID - Only the faces with the specified material ID generate hairGenerate W-coordinate - Basically, all texture coordinates are obtained from the base object. However, the W coordinate can be modified to represent the offset along the hair. The U and V coordinates are still obtained from the base object. Channel - The W coordinate will be modified channel.
Select the object to create a hair object. Select the hair and adjust the parameters in the properties panel.
B. VR replacement carpet D+7
First Create a corner-cut cuboid and set the chamfer. The second step is to add a carpet map to the diffuse reflection. No bumps are given, but the map is returned to set the UVM coordinate association. The third step is to attach coordinates to the object. Pay attention to the coordinate height and tangent. For the high coordination of the corner cuboid, the fourth step is to add VR displacement, associate the bump map, and adjust the quantity
3. Silk material: It has metallic luster; the surface is relatively smooth and has cloth characteristics
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - FALLOFF [attenuation], close-range attenuation means that the black color block is a cloth map, and close-range attenuation means that the white color block is set to a customized material tone,
Reflect (reflection) - 17< /p>
Hilight glossiness-0.77
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.
Bump (bump map) - related to the diffuse reflection map, depending on the degree of roughness
4. Wood material: the surface is relatively smooth, with a certain degree of reflection, and bumps. The highlights are small and can be divided into bright and matte surfaces according to the surface coloring
1. Glossy varnished wood
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - wood grain map
Reflect (reflection) -18-49
Hilight glossiness-0.84
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-1
2. Matt surface Solid wood (commonly used for wooden floors) 1
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - wood grain map,
Reflect (reflection) -44
Hilight glossiness-off< /p>
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.7-0.85
3. Others
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - wood grain map
Reflect (reflection) - attenuation
Hilight glossiness-0.8
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.85
4. Glass material:
Material analysis: smooth surface, certain highlights, transparency with reflection and refraction
Diffuse - black
Reflect - attenuation
Hilight glossiness-1
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.95
Glossiness (glossiness) -1.0< /p>
Refract (refraction) -252
Glossiness (glossiness) -1.0
Fog exit color: Generally, the color of glass is set here- p>
Fog multiplication value: 0.01 (it should be noted here that the default 1.0 is too large, which directly affects the glass effect)
IOR-1.517, S7
5. Metal material
(1) Stainless steel material:
Material analysis: The surface is relatively smooth, with small highlights and small blur. It is divided into three types: mirror, brushed and frosted. Kind of q
1. Bright stainless steel
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - black
Reflect (reflection) -150
Hilight glossiness- 1
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)
2. Brushed stainless steel
Diffuse (diffuse reflection)- Black
Reflect (reflection) - attenuation, add brushed map to the near attenuation
Hilight glossiness - off
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) - 0.8 _
3. Frosted stainless steel:
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - black
Reflect (reflection) - Attenuation, keep the default B3 in near attenuation and far attenuation
Hilight glossiness-off
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.7
Subdivs- 12;
(2) Aluminum alloy material
Aluminum alloy:
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - 124
Reflect (reflection) -86
Hilight glossiness-0.7
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0
BRDF[Anisotropic] WARD[Ward]
6. Paint material: can be divided into bright paint and matte paint Paint
Material analysis: Bright paint has a smooth surface, small reflection attenuation, and small highlights. Matt paint such as latex paint has a rough surface with bumps
1. Bright Paint
Diffuse - Paint Color
Reflect -15 (just for a bit of highlight)
Hilight glossiness-0.88
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness)-0.98
2. Latex paint material:
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - paint color
Reflect -23 (just for a little highlight)
Hilight glossiness-0.25
Glossiness -1
Cancel reflection tracking
7. Leather material
Material analysis: The surface has softer highlights, a little reflection, and strong surface texture
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - leather map
Reflect (reflection) -35
Hilight glossiness-0.65 (some are around 0.4)
Glossiness (glossiness) , smoothness)-0.75
Maximum depth: 3 (this setting makes the reflection softer)
Bump: 45% is associated with diffuse reflection
8. Plastic material:
Material analysis: smooth surface, reflective, small highlights
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - plastic color or texture
Reflect (Reflection)-Attenuation
Hilight glossiness-0.85
Glossiness (Glossiness, Smoothness)-0.95
Subdivs-16< /p>
Maximum depth: 8 (this setting makes the reflection brighter)
Environment: OUTPUT, output value 3_
9. Wallpaper, paper
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - wallpaper map
Reflect (reflection) -30
Hilight glossiness - off
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) -0.5
Maximum depth: 1 (this setting makes the reflection brighter)
Cancel ray tracing
Section 2, Others
1. Half Transparent Material
Translucent Material
Diffuse - White
Reflect - Default
Hilight glossiness - Default
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) - default
Refract (refraction) - attenuation
Glossiness (glossiness) - default, checked to affect shadows, Let the light pass through
IOR-1.2 (window screen 1.01, glass 1.5, masonry 2.4, colored can be modified in the white part)
2. Mirror material
Diffuse (diffuse reflection) - 50
Reflect (reflection) -150
Hilight glossiness - off
Glossiness (glossiness, smoothness) -0.94< /p>
Refract (refraction) -0
Glossiness (glossiness) -1.0
How to use VRAY sunlight
Let’s talk about the key parameters and commonly used values
Turbidity (turbidity) refers to the greater the cleanliness value in the air, the greater the sunlight. Warm.
Under normal circumstances, the value is 3 to 5 at noon during the day
6 to 9 in the afternoon)
It can be 15 in the evening .The maximum value is 20, `
Remember that the temperature of the sun is also related to the angle between itself and the ground.
The more vertical it is, the colder it is, and the smaller the angle, the warmer it is.
The second parameter
ozone{ozone} generally does not have much impact on sunlight, but it has an impact on VR skylight and is generally not adjusted.
The third most The main thing is intensity multplier, which is usually related to the first parameter
The larger the first parameter, the warmer and darker the sun will be, so you need to increase this parameter. Generally, it is 0.03. To 0.1
Try again and again.
size multplier refers to the size of the sun. The bigger the sun is, the larger this parameter is, the more distant ghost effects will be produced.
Generally, this parameter is 3 to 6. This parameter is related to the following parameters
It is shadow subdivs (shadow subdivision).size multplier. The larger the value, the larger the value of shadow subdivs. .Because
When there are shadows and ghosts on the side of the object, the subdivision will be larger, otherwise there will be a lot of noise.
Generally, the value is 6 to 15
p>Shadow bias is the shadow offset. The principle of this parameter is the same as that of MAX lights.
The last photon emit radius controls the size of VRsun itself and has no effect on the light. Don't worry about it.
Summary of the above analysis
Turbidity (turbidity) and intensity multplier (intensity) should be adjusted to each other because they affect each other.
size multplier ( The size of the sun) and shadow subdivs (shadow subdivisions) need to be adjusted to each other
The other most important thing is
The above experience values ??and explanations are only for MAX cameras
It doesn’t work for VR cameras.