PLSQL execution stored procedure prompt ORA-0 1008

The following is my own test:

SQL & gtexec rhys 1(:a);

begin rhys 1(:a); End;

ORA-0 1008: Not all variables are bound.

SQL> variable a number;

SQL & gtexec:a:= 1;

PL/SQL process completed successfully.




SQL & gtexec rhys 1(:a);

PL/SQL process completed successfully.




What you need to do is:

1, SQL> variable precision number;

2. SQL & gtExec: precur: = Enter your value;

3、SQL & gtexec PUBSP_AddHSDW('20 14 ',' 99999999999999999 ',' 99999999999999999 ',' 12345 ',' xxx ', 1,' 00 ',0,:prec cur);