Are there any good works about the history and politics of medieval and modern Europe? Please recommend it.

Books that may be interesting:

Jacques legoff: medieval intellectual, St. Louis;

Raduri: Montayou;

George Dolby: knight, woman and priest;

Gulevich: the category of medieval culture;

Hoizinha: the autumn of the Middle Ages, or the decline of the Middle Ages;

Henry Pirener: Medieval cities, and so on.

If you want to have a more comprehensive understanding of the economic and social state of that era, it is recommended to refer to:

Carlo Cipolla, editor-in-chief: European Economic History, Volume I;

Mark Yao: A Study on the Feudal Economic Form in Western Europe;

Marc Bloch: feudal society;

Huang Chungao: feudal society in Western Europe;

On political thoughts;

Burns and others: the history of political thought in Cambridge in the Middle Ages;

Quentin skinner: the foundation of modern political thought;

Peng Xiaoyu: Study on Church Law.