The children around me are all named Zixuan, Yuxuan, Yuxuan, and Yuxuan. The more educated they are, the less likely they are to name them?

The ancients said: "The name should be correct, and the word should express virtue." Naming is just an act to distinguish children, but because our country has a long cultural history of five thousand years, so , when people name their children, in order to be connected with culture, they often quote scriptures or make the name more poetic.

Therefore, ancient scholars were most particular about names. For example, there was a famous literary school in the Ming Dynasty called the "Gong'an School". Its leaders were the three brothers Yuan Hongdao, Yuan Zongdao, and Yuan Zhongdao, who enjoyed great influence in the literary world at that time. Judging from the names of these three people, they all have the word "Tao" in their names. So, what does "Tao" mean? Combining Confucian thought and classics, we find that "The Analects of Confucius: Wei Linggong" says: "People can promote Tao, but Tao cannot promote people." "Tao" in Confucianism also covers the most basic morals of being a human being, such as benevolence, justice, etiquette, wisdom, trust, gentleness, courtesy and frugality. Code of conduct, so from here we can see how much the three Yuan brothers admire Confucius' thoughts.

Although scholars throughout the ages have attached great importance to naming, common people without education are not so particular. Among the rural people of the previous generation, many people were named after cowboy, piggy, Ergouzi, Tiezhu, Zhang San, Li Si, etc., which actually reflects the parents' hope that their children can have strong vitality like other animals, or As tough as an iron pillar, these names are unpretentious.

Since the reform and opening up, the country's economy has developed well, and the national cultural and educational level has been greatly improved. Many people have the ability to read and write, so they start to approach culture when naming their children. For example, the names I listed in the title are Zixuan, Yuxuan, Yuxuan, Yuxuan, etc., which look beautiful at first glance. It's very poetic, but when everyone names it like this, it inevitably has a "popular" meaning, and the name loses recognition.

For example, a son in my sister’s family is named Zixuan, and the names of the children in several cousins’ families are named Yuxuan, Yuxuan, Yuxuan, Zixuan, etc., and they all call them their own. The children are Xuanxuan and Xuanxuan, so every time they hear names like "Xuanxuan" and "Xuanxuan" they go into a state of confusion.

In fact, it is an indisputable fact that the overall cultural level has improved, but the inheritance of traditional culture is far from enough. Many people only stay on the basis of simple literacy and hyphenation, and for excellent Cultural classics are less read. The so-called "culture" actually has a process, that is, a process in which people are "educated" by culture. China has been an ancient civilization since ancient times, and its people advocate culture and education. Confucius even said: "If you don't learn "Poetry", you will have nothing to say." This shows how much the ancients attached importance to culture.

Now there is a common saying: "The male "Chu Song", the female "Book of Songs", the article "The Analects", the Wu "Zhouyi"." This means that when naming a boy, you can refer to the "Chu Song" extensively. When naming a girl, you can refer to the Book of Songs. If you prefer a more "literary" name, you can refer to the Analects of Confucius. If you want your child's name to have the fortitude of "Wu", you can refer to the Book of Changes.

"Chu Ci" and "The Book of Songs" are both famous literary works, while "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Book of Changes" are important philosophical and cultural classics. Moreover, "The Book of Songs", "The Analects of Confucius" and "The Book of Songs" The Book of Changes is regarded as a classic by Confucianists. After reading these classical books, choosing a name should not be a difficult task. Everyone can become "gentle and gentle, and then a gentleman."