In the 12th year of Shunzhi, the emperor shunzhi ordered people to put some warning signs in the palace to learn from the previous dynasty, which were clearly written in Chinese characters. Eunuchs are not allowed to mess up government affairs, but only do their own jobs. They must never interfere in the government affairs of the imperial court, especially not make friends with foreign ministers. If anyone violates these signs, they will be executed directly. During the reign of Shunzhi in Qing Dynasty, the management of eunuchs was strict.
Regrettably, after Yongzheng ascended the throne, he did not continue to effectively restrain the power of eunuchs, but gradually expanded the number of eunuchs, and the number of eunuchs once doubled. In a few years, the number of eunuchs directly soared to several thousand. Quantitative change gradually caused qualitative change, and the power of eunuchs began to rise in politics.
However, in the Qianlong period, several eunuchs in charge were punished by Qianlong, some were put in prison, and some were directly beheaded. At the same time, during the Qianlong period, eunuchs were also forbidden to associate with court officials and ministers. Moreover, in order to play a stronger warning role, Qianlong also stipulated that eunuchs could only use three surnames: Qin, Zhao and Gao. This way is to let eunuchs always remember the events that Zhao Gao brought disaster to the country and people in Qin Dynasty.