whatsyourname translated into Chinese

what's your name means what is your name.

Explanation of key words:


n. Name, name; name; reputation

vt. Naming, appointment; designation; Address; nominate; call out

adj. name; based on the name

(1) Related phrases:

in the name of? In the name of

your name?Your name

(2) Bilingual examples:


Is your name hyphenated?

Usage of name:

The basic meaning of name as a noun is a name. A name can be the name of a person, or the name of an animal, thing or place. It is a countable noun. . Name can also mean a celebrity.

Name means reputation. When reputation means, it generally refers to society’s evaluation of a person or something. It is a singular noun and can be used with the indefinite article a.

name can be used as an attributive to modify other nouns, meaning famous or famous.

When naming something after..., British English often says name after, while American English uses name for.