Hello, if the five elements are short of gold, the name does not necessarily use the word next to the word gold, but the word next to the five elements that belong to gold.
Please refer to:
Complete collection of Chinese characters with five elements belonging to gold
Characters with five elements belonging to gold--list of all Chinese characters with five elements belonging to gold, *** 1535, simplified on the left and traditional on the right
The five-element gold characters in 2 strokes are:
The five-element gold characters in 3 strokes are:
Edge Xiaocun Sanshang Caichuan Kanxi Qianchashi
The 4-stroke five-element gold characters are:
殳仁Shisisijii still has no hands to cut off the Xi family Redundant Claws Ge Xin Shao
The 5-stroke five-element gold characters are:
Shi Shi Sheng Qian Shi Ren Shi Lost Shi Shi Shi Xian Rebuked Publication Ji Yan Zha Si Shen and he is scolding the master
The six-stroke five-element gold characters are:
Chong Ruchen throws Ren Shousuixi Susu times Shuo Zhoutu, an official in the early state, died this time Ji Temple's concubine, Lie Xiong Xun, loses the word on the tongue and then drags the word Cheng and the fontanel retains the color style
The five-element gold characters in the 7 strokes are:
Xin Panshen Song Shen Ni Chui Seven walks, 卮卭酉, sitting naked, doing a kiss, 卲畲兕尚咒, patrolling, helping the strong, thinking, pregnant, enduring, making up, soap, bunching, showing private, noisy, standing still, waiting for sucking sequence
The 8-stroke five-element gold characters are:
Chekan some 昃昃戋brush engraved 忡金 何青成谕STE 偖婷婷詷婷妯征 moan徘五月zhou Xishu's wife was imprisoned on the third day of the third lunar month, and Shizong promoted his uncle, Shangpan, to kill Tushu, Chang Chui'er, Shanguashe, Xiji, nephew, Gengsi.
9 strokes of five-element characters that belong to gold. There are:
巻真舭舭耏矧姥哂Du yttrium xuanpage poisonous concubine Xu 俓獍ishashouqiuxu舡殂思娀肜缼祆人soushuai wears soft customs and shaves 剞怵浵春 is a sacrifice to save the corpse and give food to it Stars and chambers promote shirts and gadolinium play Xiangshu sex letter Rongzhichuo blinking elbows Yesterday we have a bad situation We are in trouble and we are in a state of disgrace.
The 10 strokes of the five-element metal characters are:
The characters that belong to the metal are: Cut out the weak skin, cut out the rash, instigate the narrow and weak temple, borrow the element, and treat the disease. The 11 strokes of the five-element gold characters include:
p>Garden of ships, merchants, Changsui clan, key luxury, snakes, Xinshao group, Suan prostitutes, sideways, who are the gentry and vice-presidents. Coarse porcelain, many bruised ginseng, the end of the purple hairpin, the toes and knuckles migrate, the lodges are cut, and the worms are made to offer sacrifices, fishing for sticky birds, refreshing the village and singing
The lawsuit is shameful, the anaconda is tied, the sleeves are auspicious, the grasshopper is fine, the grasshopper is happy, and the grasshopper is happy.
The 12 strokes of the five-element metal characters are:
SHENG QIU SHU SHAN BREST NOTES mink off 舾钣璴嵯牚zi伧qinzao啻蔻狧闀畲鞞駧邵谢Love is blocked, a little bit of cyanide, a little bit of love, a respect for the nephew, a nephew, a good nephew, a residual kidney, a melancholy cut, a shabby son-in-law, a bad boy, a good boy For the rampant pot, earn the ferocious push frame, gasp, 駝阼 Gu hook, open edict, eat palm, elephant, sodium thin, tax, envy, toughness, titanium, once velvet, sweep sister-in-law, 皴琈痏 Spider, 钤view, 钫钯calcium, crispy silk, 舄刄喖issant millet Chaoshun Chaoshu Sushu Shusuxunju Chaoshunrong
The five elements of gold characters in the 13 strokes are: 惃shasai 鷫钶jujingzin 笃烬勰尿 rivet Cobalt, molybdenum, niobium, pliers, lead, beryllium, potassium, niobium, pliers Xizhuang installed 縲粛伝篛cymbal beats the 傶瓋bismuth debt Xing Yue Yue Zai Chen plugs the gate Zhu pours the 钲opens the ester esters 闰鰰嗦嗍跐壣 Four Stupidly guesses the year 毹carboxyl 铊歂 tantalone dislikes rubbing The five elements of gold characters in the 14 strokes are:
Er Minghao hinge punishment 祥 ammonium check cui 駧 green noise speed thulium 鞑鞍氫 said aluminum see chant 嗾彩Valve fine 劂su poly silk 僢铖铞酲殠convulsion draw 鐊铳锲郝枴女嫦拋鐾厅 槫怆铫成 Ci Chromium crotch rhodium 綝 said 玚劁 monk vows to live long and long-lived甄睻宇煊酔锷狲 resemble 锴eurium 戗烔Rui copper 綮子 瑭 dice road silver 豣豣豣腙 limit 鄄 indium damage push sour cavity 酴粽米第
The five elements of gold characters in the 15 strokes are: p>
鈋廛鈥懇铤雛谄Sharp gills Chong铘鈽锇front silly intestines騹镵浈鈥艉則凇赐弌糌hiss驷踳真鰇vinegar sores漦suo锔锘嘬浸勋洴Shangduchu 揸锃 inquisition rasp ripe hoe 驵 eroded sailing 麨奭鉏鉋婋困雰雰雰碔甔锖锛锛雯鱼鱼 degree玞锘锞谆诼锒噙铓线 Miserable interest 锍歭Please Zhuang Zhu step on Xingzhu, mix Xu, 缓瓓线, barium, Zhi, Zou哓, Zhipin, mix Chan, 酧number, split flags, throw Su, zinc, ship and sword.
The 16 strokes of the five-element gold characters are:
Kick up the money and eat with a hammer and lose Mu 鄃锜霫進怯穇撙sculpture 蚴谯雇缊锔田逰蛳Window 锖璁锬遄獍鴫 over manganese decadently wake up 鸸嫱鰌鞬嬗阊郮ravage brocade
铮缼缼缞hatizen 簾缼缰缞hatched meal bright and quiet /p>
The five elements of gold characters in the 17 strokes are:
烃帱swift play 混伊眜歜 Xie Xunshu stuffing cricket 鸺锼 Fresh stream cricket knee 谡锺锆鈥锸Key 鯌saijian鉚隅锔 Zen deposed 锾鄏鈥饯饯锰锰锴锛锹锷锴锴Magnesium 锟斤拷Forged plating
The 18-stroke five-element gold characters are:
饥Chi鈥鈥pound銊銱鄭瞪鉟簟簟燤The five elements of the 19 strokes are: The characters for gold are:
Toad, diction, rope, pomfret, prayer, praise, beast, chisel, 蜜蜉calf, cucurbit, mackerel, dysprosium, cymbal, mirror, top, arrowhead, dart, system, continuation, punishment, 鰯鲰隚馐, siamqian閘锘黻銊锵锴鈥颴颢锴锴锴锘甘anchor锆鈥释鰰综合
The five-element gold characters in the 20 strokes are:
駧gil 逡锋铓锎锘锴聍鐏鼱锴镪鏻颣鬦鰥鸸milling鍍镢袾鎎锏zong饦紻瓓鐇鐇稨 continued interpretation 铴铴锄鄄鈥钺颵鰵心 widow touch 馕鵒遬
21 strokes of The characters that belong to gold in the five elements are:
The 铚锹锠bracelet belongs to the iron 釨釨鬇鉖閴tunnel sickle蛩鸧鸫鏴鑭suited by the 鹇迿鐾 danger mixed with musk ?鄹韂多呲媢综合 p>
The five elements of gold in the 22 strokes are:
The five elements in the 23 strokes The characters that belong to gold are:
The five-element characters with 24 strokes that belong to gold are:
p>谗瓓瓉谶絵咵钛 inlaid with 鲿職镵
The five-element gold characters in the 26 strokes are:
The five-element gold characters in the 27 strokes are:
temporal drill, gong, luan, chisel
The five elements of gold in 28 strokes are:
The five elements of gold in 29 strokes The characters are:
The 30-stroke five-element gold characters are: