How are the 10 butchers in the middle lane selected in dota2?

Duplicate mode:

-du/-duplicatemode After the player selects a hero, the hero will not be removed from the tavern, and other players can still choose it.

Same hero mode:

-sh/-samehero The heroes of all players will be the hero selected by the first player. Incompatible with mirror mode, reverse mode, and deathmatch.

Mirror mode:

-mm/-mirrormatch requires the same number of players on both sides. After 1 minute, the hero of each pair of players (for example, player 1 and player 6 are a pair) will be replaced by one of their heroes, so the same hero is used, and the team's lineup will be the same. With the same hero, deathmatch is not compatible

Depends on which one you need.

An individual is required to create a room