About Emma in Friends

I went to check and found that EMMA had several little girls who played

the baby in the birth episode (the last two episodes of the eighth season) in three periods, so I couldn't help it > .<

In the ninth season (episode 1, episode 2, episode 3, episode 5, episode 7, episode 11), the twins Elizabeth Davidson and Genevieve Davidson play the role, and they haven't made TV series or movies since filming Friends

From the last episode of the ninth season to the tenth season, the twins Cali Sheldon and Noelle Sheldon shoot quite a lot of TV series. There are the following

# "life" ... Darcy gibney (1 episode, 27)

# Novel Romance (26) .... One-Year-Old Emma

# "Friends" .... Emma Geller-Green / ... (11 episodes, 23-24)

# "The bold and the beautiful" ... Hope Logan (4 episodes, 23)

The following is one of them (I don't know that-! ) Stills from the TV series Life

/Albums/V418/Ajal28/PDVD _ 1Copy.jpg

/Albums/V418/Ajal28/PDVD _ 2copy.jpg
