Zhou Wenyu, whose name is Jingdezhen, is from xian county, Yixing. When I was a teenager, my father died and my family was poor. I used to live in Shou Chang County, Xin 'an. My surname is Xiang, and I have a fierce slave. 1 1 year-old, he can swim several miles back and forth in the river, jump five or six feet, play with many children, and no one can catch up with him. Hui Zhou, a native of Yixing, served as the garrison commander in Pukou, Shou Chang. When he saw Zhou Wenyu, he thought he was outstanding, so he was called to talk to him. Zhou Wenyu said: "My mother is old and poor, and my brothers and sisters are all grown up. The burden of slavery makes our life very difficult." Hui Zhou sympathized with him, so he followed Zhou Wenyu to his home and asked his mother to adopt Zhou Wenyu as his adopted son, and her mother agreed. When Hui Zhou's term expires, he will take him back to Beijing, take him to see Prince Zhan and ask him to give him a name. Zhou She took the name for him, and the word Jingdezhen. Hui Zhou asked his brother's son Isabella Chow to teach him writing and arithmetic. Isabella Chow made him good at writing official script, and copied Cai Yong's "Encourage Learning" and ancient poems to Zhou Wenyu who didn't know or understand. He said to Jean Isabella Chow, "Who can learn these things? If you want to get rich, all you need is a spear. " Isabella Chow Jean thought he was ambitious, so he taught him riding and archery. Zhou Wenyu was very happy.
Correct translation for adoption! ! ! !