Briefly describe the reasons and rules for naming control ids?

C# control naming

1. What does c mean in Internet slang: Internet language is a new language created by netizens and commonly used for online communication that is different from traditional languages ??- Internet language It is becoming popular all over the world. Internet language is a specific language phenomenon in the development process of the times, and it is a special product of the Internet age.

2. C is the abbreviation of close. That is, the closing price stock is an ownership certificate issued by a joint-stock company. It is a type of securities that a joint-stock company issues to each shareholder as a shareholding certificate to raise funds and obtain dividends and dividends. Each share of stock represents a shareholder's ownership of a basic unit of the business.

3. The C in the rice circle refers to the C position. C position, one of the top ten Internet buzzwords in 2018, is Carry or Center, meaning the core position. In the early days of the game, it has always been used as a carry position, which refers to the role of being able to play the main role of leading the team in the middle and late stages of the game.

4. The meaning of "c position" C is the abbreviation of the English word center, which means the center. "C position" means the middle position. C position can include group photos, posters, Stage performances, etc., this position is usually reserved for senior people, especially celebrity artists. What is the naming rule for android resource files starting with?

The naming rule uses the same big camel case naming convention as the class. , usually end with able or ible or start with I, such as Runnable, Accessible, IUser.

The naming rules of Android package name follow the package naming rules of Java. SUN has documented regulations on this, so it can be considered as just one. It’s just a common rule.

When naming an Android project package, you must first ensure its uniqueness in the Android system. Therefore, many people use the reverse order of the website domain name + app when naming the Android project package. Name, that is, "top-level domain name. Second-level domain name. app name". For example: "com. company name. app name"

It is a folder under the android system, usually stored in /data/data. . What are the naming rules for id selectors in CSS?

The correct naming rules are as follows: the name cannot start with a number, but can only start with a letter, hyphen, or underscore. Numbers. At the same time, it should be noted that naming in CSS is case-sensitive.

It can also be used to display styles. It means that a page cannot have the same two IDs, which means that if you use js to get it, There will be an error when using this ID, because if there are two identical IDs, js will not know which one to get, and it will be confused.

In CSS, . is used to represent the class. For example: .oneclass/* definition. Class selector */{width: 800px;} and then use class to reference it elsewhere: Hello is very similar to id. Any tag can carry id attributes and class attributes.

Selector. ".", "#" and html tag selectors. The class attribute uses the "." selector, and the id attribute uses the "#" selector. You can also directly control certain tags in the document through html tags. Styles.

Usage scope is different: The CLASS attribute allows a declaration to be applied to a group of elements that have the same value on the CLASS attribute. The CLASS ID attribute operates similarly to the CLASS attribute. The value of the ID attribute must be unique in the entire document. What is the control ID?

The control ID is a unique identifier, which makes it easy to set the attributes of this element individually and find the unique control ID based on this ID. How to obtain: Create a new html file, named test.html, to explain how JQuery obtains the control id.

The control id is the identifier in the control array variable of the program.

The control ID is the unique identifier of the HTML element in the document. Through the ID, you can easily use JavaScript or other front-end technologies to operate the control, such as setting styles, binding events, modifying content, etc.

Each control has an ID, which is equivalent to its name.

The ID name is a macro definition, and each ID corresponds to a number. Except for static controls (IDC_STATIC), the ID of each control is unique. When you want to operate a certain control in the program, you need to specify which control you are operating on, and then you need an ID.

id is an identifier. When you define a Buttonandroid: id=@+id/XX/, and later write program code to define the Button key, use to call it.

The handle is indeed the ID of the control, but the value may not be equal to the ID of the control in the resource.