Translation name: Jenny
Explanation: elegant, elegant, white.
Origin: Hebrew; American English; Modern English; Hindi; Sanskrit.
Celebrity: The celebrity Jayne Mansfield once used this name.
Variant form
Jayne; Jan Jane; Jann jean; Jenny; Jenny; Joan; Jon; Jones; Jame Jim; JenJene gold; John; Juan; June; Jim (name)
2. Jenny [this name sounds like your name]
Translation name: Jenny
Description: Elegant and elegant, natural and unrestrained.
Origin: Celts; Gaelic; Old English; French.
Variant form
JaneanJaneannJaneenJanene Jenny; Jenny; Jeanann Jenny; Jenny; Jenny; Jenny; Jenin; Jennine Joanne; Joan; Jonin; Jenny; Joanna; Jenny; Jinan; Jia Ming; Jumana; Jianan; Giannina
Beautiful female Greece
Jacinta lovely female Greece
Oriental hyacinthus orientalis
Jacqueline replaces Hebrew for women.
Jada, a smart, wise and knowledgeable woman, speaks Hebrew.
Jade girl
Yayi Rising Female Hebrew
Jaen ostrich female Hebrew
Jagrati women in India
Indian women
Jaimica substitute Spain
Jamie, I like French women.
Jaina has a good personality, female India.
Zhan Mu was born, and Basque was born.
Jakinda Basque language used by women in hyacinthus orientalis.
Jala is a compassionate, charitable and tolerant female Arab.
Jamari woman warrior France
Jami replaced female Hebrew.
Jamie James's Women Use Women's English.
Beautiful Arab women
Jana, the gift of God, the fruit harvest woman Czech Republic.
Jane is kind, and God is a kind woman.
Janet Jane's Variant Writing "Female Scotland"
Janice Jane's variant text, female
Janissa, God's grace, woman.
Janna's bustling and lush female Hebrew.
Japanese female
Jardena flows downward out of female Hebrew.
Jarvia is as sharp as Mao's daughter Gude.
Yalvinia is a German woman with superior intelligence.
Jasmine Jasmine Persian
Jaunie female
Jaya Victory Female India
Jayani female India
Jayne's Victory Female India
Jaythen female Sweden
Jazlin female Arabia
Jazlin, deformed woman Jazlin, Jazjasmine
Janet Jane's shapeshifter.
Joan's deformed woman France
Jahan's beautiful flower girl Arabia
Jelena's shining light, female Russia
Jemima pigeon female
Jenara female
Jenny, God bless, French women.
Canday thanks women for Africa.
Gendiyos successfully gave birth to a female Uganda.
Janelle, God is a kind woman, Germany.
Jenika, God is a kind Romanian woman.
Jennifer is a pure, obedient and beautiful woman in Wales.
Jeno, a woman of good birth, Greek.
Jesse, God is a kind woman, in Hebrew.
Jerrica female
Jesal female India
Jessica, God bless, Hebrew girl.
Jessica, Jessie, a rich woman, a Hebrew woman.
Jewelry, happy woman, unknown
Jezebel Idol Followers Female Hebrew
Jewish Hebrew
Jiera is a vibrant Lithuanian woman.
Gigisha female India
Han Ji cosmic mother turkey
Gilian girl female ancient English
Jill, Jill Latin for children and women
Jina name female Swahili
Jinx amulet female Latin
Joakima, God will judge Hebrew women.
Joan, God's merciful gift, female Hebrew.
Joanne, God is a kind woman, Hebrew.
Chobe persecuted female Hebrews.
Jobina persecutes women in Hebrew
Jocelyn happy, happy woman Latin.
Jocelyn Joyce is a fair and upright woman of old English.
Chokosa's delightful female Latin.
Jody female
Joelle, Jehovah is God, female Hebrew.
Joelliane, Jehovah is God, female Hebrew.
Joesa female
Johanna, God's merciful gift, female Hebrew.
Yolan's Violet Flowers in Full Bloom Female Hungary
Zhuo Lin, God will increase. . Female English
Julie is a lovely and happy French woman.
Jones Female Old English
Jonina pigeon girl Hebrew
Jorah Qiuyu Female Hebrew
The downward flowing Hebrew of women in Jordan
Josephine, God will increase. . Hebrew for women
Huanxi Huanxi Nvgu English
Joyce is a happy, happy Latin woman.
Juana female India
Juanita johanna's deformed Spanish woman.
Judith praised the respected Hebrew woman.
Judith, the Hebrew for women praised by Judith
Juhi female India
Julia, a young Latin woman
Juliana, Julia Latin of young women.
Julie, Julia's deformed woman
Julia Julia's deformed woman
Latin for young women
Jumoke, everyone's favorite woman, Yoruba.
June Latin women
Justine, an upright and true Hebrew woman.
Jyoti prefers girls to India.
Jyotsna female India