What kind of country is the Solomon Islands?

This country is composed of more than 900 islands. It has always been at the mercy of Australia. It recently chose to establish diplomatic relations with my country in order to get rid of Australia's mercy. The Solomon Islands are located in the southwest of the Pacific Ocean, about 1,600 kilometers away from Australia, and 485 kilometers to the west from Papua New Guinea. There are more than 990 islands within the territory, which is why I named it the Country of Thousand Islands.

After World War II, the Solomon Islands became a British colony. After Japan's disastrous defeat at the Battle of Midway, the Solomon Islands were used as its main defensive position. The United States and Japan launched the most brutal and bloody Battle of Guadalcanal on the Pacific battlefield in the islands. The Japanese army suffered a disastrous defeat, and the famous naval admiral Isoroku Yamamoto died in the battle. solomon islands. After World War II, the Solomon Islands were controlled by the United Kingdom and became a Commonwealth country. Although independent, they still recognized Queen Elizabeth II as the country's monarch.

The Solomon Islands were first inhabited three thousand years ago and were later discovered and named by Spain. Later, Dutch, British, German and other colonists entered one after another. In 1893, the "British Solomon Islands Protectorate" was established and officially became a British colony. During World War II, the Solomon Islands were occupied by Japan. On August 7, 1942 and February 9, 1943, the Allied forces launched a desperate battle with the Japanese army to seize the island. The famous "Battle of Guadalcanal" was fought around the largest island in the archipelago, "Guadalcanal". , and became a turning point in the Pacific War with the Allied victory.

Solomon Islands’ internal and external wars and very unstable political reasons have led to tense relations with neighboring countries. Relations between the Solomon Islands and neighboring Papua New Guinea were tense due to the Bougainville rebellion. In 1998, rebels attacked Guadalcanal, the northern island of Solomon. Anti-government militants on the island began to use Bougainville's Armed force drives out the Solomons. Since Solomon had no army and only a small police force, Solomon was unable to stop the chaos caused by the armed rebellion.