Liang's son is nine years old and very clever. Junping Kong thought of his father, but when his father was away, he shouted. In order to set fruit, there are bayberry. Confucius pointed out to his son and said, "This is the fruit of your family." The son replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is a master of poultry."
In the state of Liang, there is a family named Yang. There is a nine-year-old son at home. He is very clever. One day, Junping Kong came to visit his father. It happened that his father was not at home, so Junping Kong called the child out. The child brought Junping Kong fruits, including bayberry. Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the children, saying, "This is the fruit of your family." The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."
2. Liang Guo, the son of Yang Guwen, has a family. There is a son named Yang at home, who is very clever. He has dark hair, his eyes twinkle as if he can speak, he has a high nose, thin lips and a glib tongue.
One day, the court ordered an official to see Yang's father. He stood outside the door and tapped on the knock ring. At this time, the housekeeper opened the door and asked, "Who are you looking for?" "Oh, I'm looking for your master." "Sorry, our host just went out to do something, otherwise, do you have something to say to our host!" Kong thought: I heard that it is very talented, so I will come and have a look today.
So he followed the housekeeper into the hall. After a while, Andy came with a fruit bowl with bayberry in it.
They talked for a while, and then Junping Kong pointed to the Yangmei in the fruit bowl and said to Yang, "This is your fruit." As soon as the voice fell, Andy said, "But I have never heard that the peacock is your bird!" Instead of getting angry, Junping Kong laughed and said, "Everyone says you are smart. I saw you today. "
One day, Junping Kong came to visit his father. It happened that his father was not at home, so Junping Kong called the child out. The child brought Junping Kong fruits, including bayberry.
Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the children, saying, "This is the fruit of your family." The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."
At home, Junping Kong called the child out. The child brought Junping Kong fruits, including bayberry.
Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the children, saying, "This is the fruit of your family." The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird."
Or in Liang, there is a family named Yang who has a nine-year-old son. He is very clever. One day, Junping Kong came to visit his father. It happened that his father was not at home, so Junping Kong called the child out.
The child brought Junping Kong fruits, including bayberry. Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and showed it to the children, saying, "This is the fruit of your family."
The child immediately replied, "I haven't heard that peacock is your bird." After listening to the child's words, Junping Kong thought, This child is really clever. He didn't directly say that Yangmei was not the fruit of his family, nor did he bluntly say that "peacock is the poultry of the master", but he said in a negative way that "I didn't know peacock was the poultry of the master", which left me speechless. It's really "deal with a man as he deals with you!" Junping Kong clapped his hands again and again: "Wonderful, wonderful, like father, like son!" ! "Andy just said with a smile." She smiled.
3. Rewriting Ancient Chinese (Son of Yang) In Liang State, there was a member surnamed Yang. He has a 9-year-old son who is very clever.
One day, Mr. Yang's old friend Junping Kong came to visit at home. It happened that Mr. Yang was not at home. Junping Kong thought, I have heard that Mr. Yang's nine-year-old son is very clever. Why don't I take this opportunity to sound him out? So Junping Kong called Andy out.
Knowing that this was his father's good friend, Andy hurried out of the house to entertain the guests. At this moment, Junping Kong happened to see Yangmei on the table, remembered the child's surname, and thought of Andy, Doby. Junping Kong pointed to Yangmei and said to Yangzi, "This is your fruit!" When Andy heard this, he knew that Junping Kong was teasing himself. He did, and remembered Junping Kong's last name. He replied without thinking, "I have never heard that peacock is your bird!" "
After listening to the child's words, Junping Kong thought, This child is really clever. He didn't directly say that Yangmei was not the fruit of his family, nor did he bluntly say that "peacock is the poultry of the master", but he said in a negative way that "I didn't know peacock was the poultry of the master", which left me speechless. It's really "deal with a man as he deals with you!" Junping Kong clapped his hands again and again: "Wonderful, wonderful, like father, like son!" ! "Andy just smiled and walked away.
4. Ask for at least 10 classical Chinese after class. Keiko said that Zhuangzi said, "Wang Wei made me a big plant, and I made five stones.
In order to fill water slurry, its firmness cannot be bootstrapped; If you think the spoon is 2, there is no room. It's not too big, and (3) it's useless for me to slap it to death. "
Zhuangzi said, "A master is a poor teacher." ! Some people in the Song Dynasty were nice and didn't care about turtle hands. What did they do for the rest of their lives? . Excuse me, did the guest hear you? Buy its prescription hundred gold.
Get together and ask for 5: "I am a human being, but only a few gold; Today once and for all (yù)? Hundred skills, please follow. " Guest, say Prince Wu 6.
The more difficult it is, the more the prince of Wu regards it as a general. In winter, the Vietnamese fought a water battle, defeated the Vietnamese and cracked the land? Seal it up.
If you don't have a turtle hand, or you seal it, or you can't help it, can you use different methods? Yes There are five stone heads in this box. Why don't you think it is a big bottle, floating in the rivers and lakes? Is there no room for worry? The master still has Peng and her husband's heart! 1, medicine in the hand of Bougui (jūn): The same as "rash", which refers to chapped skin due to cold.
2, good at: good at, good at. 3.Hun (hù): gourd.
4, for: production. 5, suddenly: empty.
5. Ping: Rinse. Kuàng: Shuowen is a piece of cotton wool.
6, ask: discussion. 7. Say: shuì, lobby, persuade, and convince others with words.
8. Difficult: invasion; Hostile behavior refers to military action. 9. send.
10, general: lead (the army) to move. 1 1, with a sheltered heart: used here to satirize Keiko for being narrow-minded and ignorant of the world.
12, poor: poor. 13, Things: Occupation.
14, Jing: sell. 15, divide the land: divide a piece of land.
Please 16: Requirements. Keiko said to Zhuangzi, "Wang Wei gave me gourd seeds, and I planted them until they were mature. This gourd is very big and weighs five stones.
It is used to hold water and drinks, but the hardness cannot be improved. Cut it to make a spoon, but it's too big to hold.
It is not that it is not big enough, but that it is useless, so I broke it. "Zhuangzi said," You are really not good at using big things.
There was a man in Song Dynasty who was good at making drugs to prevent skin from freezing and cracking. For generations, he washed cotton wool with water. Someone heard about it and asked for 100 yuan for his prescription.
The whole family got together to discuss: "We washed cotton wool for generations and only earned a few gold. Now you can get 100 yuan at once by selling prescriptions, so sell it to him.
The man got the prescription and used it to persuade the king of Wu. The State of Yue invaded the State of Wu, and the King of Wu put him in charge of the army.
In winter, he fought a water war with the Vietnamese army and defeated it. The king of Wu gave him a piece of land.
The same is true for drugs that can prevent hand cracking. Some people are rewarded by it, and some people are tired of rinsing cotton wool because of their different uses. Since you have a gourd with a capacity of five stones, why not consider making a waist boat to float in the rivers and lakes? Instead, you worry that it is too big to tolerate. It can be seen that your heart is like a loose grass! "Craftsman Shi Yunjin Zhuangzi's funeral, passing by Keiko's tomb, Gu said that the follower said," (1) Ying people's chalk (2) slows its nose, if it flies, (3) makes the craftsman stone.
The craftsman's stone (5) bears (6) the wind load, so that you can listen to it (7) and chalk (8) without hurting your nose, and make you stand upright without losing (9) your ability. When Song heard this, he called the craftsman Shi Yue: "(10) Give me a try (1 1).
The craftsman said,' I can taste it (12). (13) Although, I (14) died long ago.
Since (15) Confucius died, I have nothing to do with (16)! I have nothing to say. "1, ying (yǐng): an ancient place name, the capital of Chu in the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, in the north of Jiangling, Hubei Province today.
3. Manufacturing: manufacturing, demand. 4. Artisan Stone: A craftsman named Shi.
5, transport: swing, smash (lūn) 6, gold: axe and other tools. 7. exhausted: exhausted.
8. Chalk: white clay. 9. Capacity: appearance.
10, try: try it. 1 1, for: give, replace.
12, Zhu ó: cut. 13, though: even so.
14, quality: the object of demonstrating technology. Extended as a partner, meaning "should be a person".
15, owner: Sir, this is a courtesy title for Keiko. 16,for: do。
Zhuangzi's funeral, after Keiko's cemetery, turned around and said to the people who followed, "There was a man who defiled his nose with white mud the size of a mosquito's wing, and asked a craftsman named Shi to cut off this small white spot with an axe. The stone waved an axe like the wind, and the people standing there asked him to cut it.
The white mud on the tip of the nose was completely removed, but the nose was not injured at all. It is normal for people to stand there as if nothing had happened. Hearing this, Song called Shi Lai and said, "Please give me a performance.
The craftsman said,' I used to cut the white powder off my nose. Even so, my technical partner has been dead for a long time. I have no technicians since Mr. Hui Shi died! I have no one to talk to! "People who were killed in the Song Dynasty (1) loved to be killed and raised in groups, and could understand the meaning of (2) being killed (3) and (4); Snipers also won the hearts of the public.
Damage (7) his family (8), fill (9) the desire to be intercepted (10). If (1 1) is poor (12), it will restrict (13) its own food and be afraid of (14) other people's unruly people (15).
The first sentence (16) says: "If you are with (18), if you are with (19), you will die (20) and face (2/kloc-0). When they were attacked, all the people were angry. Suddenly, he said, "Is it enough to keep in touch with each other? "All people are lying happy (26).
1. Sniper (jū) Gong: An old man who keeps monkeys. 2. Solution: understand, understand, understand, understand.
3. Sniper: Macaque. 4. meaning: mind.
5. I see: I know. 6. win the hearts of the people: understand the mind of the elderly who raise monkeys.
7. Loss: decrease. 8. mouth: family, rations.
9.Fill: enrichment, here means satisfaction. 10. Desire: Want 1 1. Er: for a while, soon.
12. Room: lacking. 13. limit: limit.
14. Fear: I am afraid. 15. tame (xê n): tame, obey, obey.
Extended to obedient. 16. Kuang (kuáng): cheating, cheating.
17. Zhi: Pronoun, which means monkey. 18. and: here.
19. If: personal pronouns in classical Chinese, instead of "you" and "you", the article refers to monkeys. 20. Guo: The fruit of an oak tree, commonly known as "acorn", is a kind of food.
2 1. Chao: Good morning. 22. Foot: Enough, enough.
23. Crowd: All. 24. All: All.
25. angry: angry together.
5. What other links are there like Yang's son in classical Chinese?
Three short stories in Shi Shuo Xin Yu;
(1) Mrs. Xie got together on a cold snowy day and told the children the meaning of the paper. Suddenly, the snow suddenly began to fall, and the public said happily, "What is snow like?" Xie Lang, his elder brother, said, "The air is almost equal." . His eldest brother's daughter said, "Catkin can dance with the wind better than the wind." "."The Imperial Guard laughed.
The main idea of this story is that on a snowy winter day, Dr. Xie called the children and said that he would make a fuss. After a while, it snowed heavily. Teacher Xie was very happy and asked the children, "What is the falling snow like?" His brother's son said, "It's almost like salt scattered in the air." His brother's daughter said, "It's better to fly with the wind than catkins." Xie Taifu smiled and was very happy.
(2) Xu Ruzi is nine years old, and he has tasted the drama under the moon. People say, "If there is nothing on the moon, it will be extremely evil?" Xu said, "Otherwise. If there is a scorpion in people's eyes, it is unknown without it. "
The central idea of this story is that a nine-year-old child once played on the moon in Xujia. Someone said to him, "If there is nothing on the moon, shouldn't it be brighter?" The child surnamed Xu said, "No ... For example, people have pupils in their eyes, without which they can't see light."
(3) Chen Taiqiu and his friends will travel in the middle of the day. If they don't go through the middle, Taiqiu will leave, even after they go. Fiona Fang is seven years old and playing outside the door. Chen Taiqiu's friend asked Fiona Fang, "Is your father there?" ? "Hui Yuan replied," My father waited for you for a long time, and you left before you arrived. The friend was angry: "No humanity!" Walk with people, walk with people. "Fiona Fang said," if you and your family don't meet at noon, you will break your promise; It is impolite to scold your father. " Feeling ashamed, my friend got out of the car and tried to hold his hand. Yuan Fang also walked into the car door.
The main idea of this story is: Chen Taiqiu and his friends made an appointment to travel together at noon. After the appointed time, none of his friends arrived, and Chen Taiqiu left without waiting for his friends. His friends didn't come until he left. Chen Taiqiu's son, Chen Yuanfang, was only seven years old at that time, playing games outside his home. The guest asked him, "Is your father at home?" Chen Yuanfang replied, "Father waited for you for a long time, but you left without coming." The guest got angry and said, "It's not human!" I made an appointment with others to travel together, but I abandoned them and left. "Chen Yuanfang said:" You and my father agreed to meet at noon and didn't meet until noon, which shows that there is no credit; "It's impolite to scold my father at my son." The guest was ashamed. He got out of the car and tried to hold Fiona Fang's hand. Fiona Fang walked home and ignored him.
6. Yang's son (classical Chinese translation) Yang's son translation
In Liang State, there is a young family. There is a nine-year-old son in the young family. He is very clever. One day, I went to visit Yang's son's father. It happened that his father was away, so Junping Kong asked his son to come out to entertain Confucius instead of him. The nine-year-old boy brought fruit to entertain Confucius, and there happened to be bayberry in the fruit. Junping Kong said humorously, "Yangmei is also surnamed Yang, and Yangmei is the fruit of your family." The nine-year-old son retorted with his quick thinking, "I haven't heard that peacocks are your animals."
Yang's son's experience
What do you think is the beauty of Yang Gongzi's answer?
Experience: I think the beauty of Yang's son's answer lies in his tactful, humorous and polite denial that Yangmei belongs to their family, and he does not forget that he is a mistress. Most people will say stiffly, "Yangmei is not the fruit of our family." He tactfully, humorously, humorously and politely denied Junping Kong's words.