Wang Xiang lost his attachment to life after his wife and children left. When he committed suicide on the track, he heard the baby crying. It was Wang Bei's crying that saved Wang Xiang in despair and himself. They are each other's salvation and hope. Wang Xiang picked up the abandoned child and named it Wang Bei. Since then, the father and son have been living together.
Although the TV series does not specify whose child Wang Bei is, it can be inferred from the background of the TV series that Wang Bei is the child of an employee in Huagang, because Wang Bei was dumped in the freight yard in Huagang, which is also the way for the director to express the deeper connotation of the play through Wang Bei's life experience as a descendant of Huagang.
Although the play is a mystery play, the background is that workers in Hua Gang are going to be laid off, and Song Yukun is still colluding with Hong Kong businessman Hu Boss to embezzle state-owned assets. The employees in Huagang had a miserable life, and Qiao Yun went to accompany the wine for a living. Wang Bei is a child of Huagang, which shows that employees in Huagang have a hard time and can't even afford to raise their own children. This is the profound meaning that the director wants to express.
A Brief Introduction to the Story of The Long Season
"The Long Season" tells a murder case in a small town in the northeast, connecting the stories of family, factory and times. The son of taxi driver Wang Xiang was involved in a case many years ago and died unexpectedly. Because of an accidental deck case, the murderer who fled for many years reappeared in the birch forest. Wang Xiang, Gong Biao, an old partner, and Ma Desheng, an old policeman who resigned, formed a trio of folk detectives and embarked on a journey to find the murderer.
Compared with the suspense mystery drama in the strict sense, Changji does not show too much about the details of the case and the detection technology, but focuses on the details of daily life and the broad social background. It is a social derivative and activated mystery drama.