In ancient times, the order of the four brothers from oldest to youngest was Bo, Zhong, Shu, and Ji. Bo was the eldest, Zhong was the second, Uncle was the third, and Ji was the youngest. The father's brother is called uncle, the father's second brother is called Zhongfu, Zhongfu's brother is called uncle, the youngest uncle is called Jifu, and later the father's brother They are all collectively referred to as "uncle".
In ancient times, it was very common to name Bo Zhong and Shu Ji. For example, during the Three Kingdoms period, Sun Jian’s four sons were named: the eldest son Sun Ce, courtesy name Bo Fu, the second son Sun Quan, courtesy name Zhongmou, and the third son Sun Yi, courtesy name Shu Bi. The fourth descendant, Kuang, was given the courtesy name Jizuo. If the two words "amp", "Bozhong" and "Bozhong" are used together, it means that they are almost the same and it is difficult to distinguish between superior and inferior. The idioms include "amp", "not close to each other", "between Bozhong" and "amp;". Brothers talk about ranking, and sisters also talk about ranking. In ancient times, women to be married usually added "amp" before their surname; "Bo", "Zhong", "Shu", "Ji" and "Ji"; etc., such as Bo Ji, Shu Ji, etc.