Socialist society is an independent social form like primitive society, slave society, feudal society, and capitalist society. The following is a sample essay on socialism that I compiled for you. You are welcome to read and refer to it!
Socialism Essay 1
A brief analysis of utopian socialism
Abstract: Utopian socialism is the collective name for socialism before the emergence of Marxism. This name comes from Thomas More's "Utopia". Utopian socialism has three distinctive characteristics: it has no clear class position, blindly advocates rationality, and adheres to an idealistic view of history. The development of utopian socialism went through three stages until it reached its peak in the early 19th century. Although the idea of ??utopian socialism has the limitation of subjectivity and objectivity that violates the laws of social development, its positive role in criticality and predictability cannot be ignored.
Keywords: Utopian socialism; Utopia; "Communist Manifesto"
1. What is utopian socialism
In the history of socialist thought In , socialism before the emergence of Marxism was called utopian socialism, which refers to a socialist theory that emerged in a period when capitalist production conditions and class conditions were not yet mature. The name "Utopia" comes from the earliest socialist ideological document - Thomas More's "Utopia".
Utopian socialism, Utopian socialism, is usually called utopian socialism. The term first originated from the book "Utopia" written by the British humanist Thomas More in 1516. The word "Utopia" is coined from the Greek word "utopia", which refers to a "nowhere", that is, a place that does not exist in the real world.
The utopian socialist theory was produced in the anti-feudal bourgeois movement in the 16th century, along with capitalist production relations. This is its profound historical root. ?In every great bourgeois movement there has been an outbreak of the independent movement of that class which is the forerunner of the modern proletariat in varying degrees of development. ① Thomas Münzer during the German Reformation, Babeuf during the French Revolution, etc. It was against the background of such a proletarian revolutionary struggle that the relevant theories and ideas of utopian socialism were produced, and along with this These revolutionary uprisings of a class that has not yet matured have produced corresponding theoretical expressions.
According to Engels's explanation in "The Development of Socialism from Utopia to Science", utopian socialism has the following three characteristics:
First, there is no clear class position. ?They did not appear as representatives of the interests of the proletariat that had historically emerged at that time③? They wanted to improve the living conditions of all members of society and liberate all mankind. Moreover, the utopian socialists did not realize that the proletariat was The main body of this revolution places its hope on the ruling class, hoping to realize their socialist plan through peaceful means and experiments.
Second, respect rationality. Like the Enlightenment scholars, the visionaries also hoped to establish a rational and eternal kingdom of justice. Different from the Enlightenment scholars, the rational kingdom of the Enlightenment scholars declares private property to be sacred and inviolable, and only advocates the elimination of class privileges, not the class itself; while the rational kingdom of the utopians wants to eliminate private ownership and class distinctions. Compared with the Enlightenment scholars, this is undoubtedly a big progress. However, what the utopians are trying to establish is an eternal country that transcends classes, which is undoubtedly unrealistic.
Third, adhere to the idealist view of history. Utopians believe that to realize socialism, all that is missing is individual geniuses④. They regard socialism as a purely subjective and accidental product. In their view, future world history is nothing more than propaganda and implementation of their ideas. Social planning⑤?.
2. The development stage of utopian socialism
(1) Utopian socialism in the 16th and 17th centuries
Typical representatives of this period include Thomas More Paul's "Utopia" and Thomas Campanella's "City of the Sun".
The utopian socialism of this period was in its early stages. Its main feature is that the utopians described a beautiful society that they longed for - a society where all the means of production are available because of the various ills and evils caused by private ownership in the real society. An ideal society in which everything is owned by the whole people, daily necessities are distributed according to work, and everyone is engaged in productive labor.
For example, More's "Utopia" tells the story of a fictional navigator's travels to a strange and exotic Utopia. The word "Utopia" comes from the Greek word, which means "nowhere". More first used it to represent a happy and ideal country. There, the basis of society is public ownership of property, people are equal in terms of economic and political power, and the principle of distribution according to need is implemented. There was no commodity-money relationship, and gold and silver were used to make toilet bowls. More's conclusion is very clear: private ownership is the root of all evil. For the first time in the history of socialism, More proposed the issue of abolishing private ownership and establishing public ownership.
(2) Utopian socialism in the 18th century
The most important characteristics of utopianism in this period are asceticism, prohibition of all enjoyment of life, and Spartan style Communistism?, the main representatives are Morelli's "Natural Code" and Mably's related works.
(3) Utopian socialism in the early 19th century
The utopian socialism in the early 19th century was the period when the development of utopian socialism reached its peak. Its main characteristics are: direct criticism Aligned with the capitalist system; theoretically proposed that economic conditions are the basis of the political system, private ownership creates classes and class exploitation, and used this perspective to analyze history and current situation, thereby predicting the exploitative nature of the capitalist system; in designing the future The social blueprint was based on large factories, completely abandoning egalitarianism and asceticism, making socialism a society with a high degree of material civilization and spiritual civilization. The three famous visionaries, Saint-Simon, Fourier and Owen, are only typical representatives of this period.
3. Limitations and positivity of utopian socialism
(1) Limitations
According to Marx’s statement in the "Communist Manifesto"? Criticizing Utopian Socialism and Communism? According to the relevant content in the section, Utopian socialism mainly has the following two main flaws.
First, the lack of subjectivity. Although the utopian socialists represented by the three major utopians saw the role of class antagonism and the disintegrating factors in the dominant bourgeois society itself. ?But they see no historical initiative on the part of the proletariat, no movement peculiar to it. ?Rather, they place their hope on the ruling bourgeoisie, hoping to realize their socialist plan through peaceful means.
Second, it violates the objectivity of the laws of social development. Among the visionaries, their personal inventive activities replaced social activities, trying to use their beautiful fantasies to liberate all mankind. ?In their view, future world history will be nothing more than the promotion and implementation of their social plans. ?However, the society of the future is actually the result of the movement of reality.
(2) Positivity
The positive factors of utopian socialism mainly include the following two aspects.
First, be critical. ?These socialist and communist writings also contain critical elements. ?These works serve the working class. They criticize the bourgeoisie, attack the various shortcomings of the existing society, and provide extremely valuable materials for enlightening the consciousness of the working class.
Second, predictability. Utopians have some foreseeable assumptions about future society, such as the elimination of urban-rural opposition, the elimination of families, the elimination of private profit, the elimination of wage labor, and the promotion of a harmonious society. At that time, class antagonism was still in its infancy, and it was extremely rare for utopians to propose the idea of ??eliminating private property and class antagonism in the future society.
(Author's unit: School of Law and Politics, Zhejiang Normal University)
[1] Karl Marx, Engels, Central Bureau of Translation and Compilation of the Works of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China .Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 2 [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2009: 30~67.
[2] Karl Marx, Engels, Marx, Engels and Lenin of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China Stalin's Works and Compilation Bureau. Collected Works of Marx and Engels, Volume 3 [M]. Beijing: People's Publishing House, 2009: 523~567.
[3] Thomas More, Dai Lioling. Utopia [M]. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1997: 8~47.
[4] Morelli, Huang Jianhua, Jiang Yazhou. Codex of Nature [M]. Beijing: The Commercial Press, 1982: 20~55.< /p>
[5] Gong Yukuan. "Anti-Dulin Theory" Philosophical Tutorial [M]. Beijing: Minzu University of China Press, 2007: 31~44.
Note: < /p>
① Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Volume 3 of "Collected Works of Marx and Engels", Beijing People's Publishing House, 2009 edition, page 525.
② Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels: Volume 3 of "Collected Works of Marx and Engels", Beijing People's Publishing House, 2009 edition, page 525.
③ Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: "Collected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, Beijing People's Publishing House, 2009 edition, page 525.
④ Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: "Collected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 3, Beijing People's Publishing House, 2009 edition, page 526.
⑤ Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels: "Collected Works of Marx and Engels" Volume 2, Beijing People's Publishing House, 2009 edition, page 63.
Socialism Paper 2
A brief analysis of the superiority of the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics
Abstract: Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics has its own characteristics. Its essence is that the people are the masters of the country, which is suitable for China's basic national conditions. The democratic system that China has established and continuously developed during the long-term revolution and construction process is different from that of Western countries. It is in line with China's current national conditions and needs and has outstanding theoretical advantages. superiority.
Keywords: Socialist democracy with Chinese characteristics, separation of powers, Western bourgeois democracy
Today, as the wave of democratization originating in Western Europe and North America sweeps the world, China has embarked on a different path. The road to democratization in Western countries has established a socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics. Faced with various domestic and foreign doubts about China's democratic system, we need to have a clear understanding of the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics and its advantages. understanding and judgment.
1. The connotation of democracy
Etymologically speaking, the word democracy originated in ancient Greece, from the ancient Greek word demos (people) and kratos (rule). It is composed of two words, meaning "the rule of the people", that is, the rule of the majority, which means that the final decision-making power does not depend on individual people or a few people, but on the majority of a specific group of people or the entire people.
The concept of democracy originated in Europe, and the external condition for its existence and development is European culture. After some Europeans immigrated to the North American continent, democracy also developed into an important element of American political culture. Therefore, "democracy", as the unified political culture of European and American countries and their regions, is a political philosophy concept with regional significance and does not exist in the original form of other cultures. Today, the reason why democracy is accepted and used by other cultures is because the basic values ??contained in democracy, such as equality, freedom, perfection, majority rule, etc., are recognized by countries around the world for their value to world civilization and development, and for the essence of democracy The recognition of democracy does not mean the recognition of the specific form of realizing the essence of democracy in the West, and confusing the relationship between the essence of democracy and the form of realization is often an important reason for the twists and turns or even failure of the democratic process in some countries.
2. Selection of system
System is the carrier of democratic spirit, ideas and principles, and can also be said to be the tool for realizing democratic spirit, ideas and principles.
Since each country has different histories, cultures, and value choices, it is entirely possible (and should) to choose an implementation form that is more suitable for the needs of the current national conditions. The history of the development of human political civilization has repeatedly verified a truth: what kind of political system a country implements and what kind of democratic path it takes must be adapted to its national conditions. This national condition first includes natural factors such as country size, natural resource conditions, and population size. This is the basis for a country's survival and development, and has a profound and long-term impact on the political system derived from it. Under the influence of their historical traditions and long-term democratic practice, Western countries have formed democratic systems based on parliamentary system, electoral system and party system. As far as our country is concerned, our country is fundamentally different from Western countries in terms of national nature. At the same time, our country has a vast territory, a long history, and many ethnic groups. It has real conditions that are very different from Western countries. Therefore, the choice of democratic system and In terms of construction, although Western countries have more experience than us, we cannot blindly learn, let alone easily "clone". We must be based on our own country's reality. Regardless of theoretical analysis or practical investigation, the democratic system of socialism with Chinese characteristics currently established and developed by us is a system that is in line with China's national conditions, can realize the essence of democracy, and has its own advantages.
3. The superiority of the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics
How to judge the superiority of a country’s democratic system? The author believes that in addition to being consistent with the country’s national conditions, the following factors must be considered: Let’s examine it from several aspects: First of all, democracy in essence is to ensure that society is managed according to the will of the majority. Therefore, whether the representative organs elected through various methods can make decisions on behalf of the will of the majority becomes the judgment of democracy. important criterion of degree. Secondly, whether the implementation of the decisions of representative organs under a democratic system can be effectively supervised determines whether the effects brought by the democratic system are substantive or formal. Thirdly, whether social development under a democratic system can maintain a long-term orderly and stable state is also an indispensable condition for examining the effectiveness of the democratic system. From the above aspects, we can see that it is based on the people's democratic dictatorship and has specific systems such as the People's Congress system, the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the ethnic regional autonomy system and the grassroots mass autonomy system as its core. The socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics has the following advantages in the following four aspects:
(1) It ensures the comprehensiveness of representative interests
Western countries’ understanding of democracy, universal suffrage It is an important symbol of democracy. Only representative organs elected through universal suffrage can reflect the will of the majority of people and ensure the comprehensiveness of representative interests. But this is not the case. On the one hand, no matter whether the electoral system adopts majority representation or proportional representation, the interests of some groups can easily be filtered out by the electoral rules, such as female representatives; on the other hand, the highest authority in Western countries has a large number of To a certain extent, it still represents the interests of some elite groups. To achieve national democratic management in a large country with a population of 1.3 billion, we must adopt a different approach from Western universal suffrage. Our country has chosen the People's Congress system. The establishment of this system meets the dual goals of not only conforming to national conditions but also ensuring the comprehensiveness of representatives' interests. Our country's deputies to the People's Congress at all levels are allocated according to regional and personnel composition proportions, and are elected by indirect, direct and differential elections respectively. The "Election Law of the National People's Congress and Local People's Congresses at All Levels" of the People's Republic of China The provisions enable people with different backgrounds and different interest orientations to participate in the decision-making of national affairs, truly embodying the essence of socialist democracy - the people are the masters of the country.
(2) Guaranteeing the effectiveness of supervision
One of the main features of modern democracy is representation, and supervision of representative organs is also an important part of the democratic system. Representative organs in Western countries usually adopt the method of mutual supervision. The three powers of the parliament, the executive power of the government, and the judicial power of the judiciary are often separated or partially connected, so that relatively independent institutions can create mutual constraints on power. There is no higher power supervision agency above. This system has theoretical advantages, but in actual operation, the efficiency of power supervision is not high and it is easy to cause the containment and buck-passing of power.
Compared with the political power forms of Western countries, one of the distinctive features of the People's Congress system of our country is the non-separation of powers. In the institutional structure of our country, the People's Congress is behind the administrative power, legislative power and judicial power. The highest source of power. Each institution is responsible to and supervised by the People’s Congress. As the highest authority, the People’s Congress itself supervises other institutions and is also supervised by every participating representative. Each subject of power is specific, clear and Power accountability can be carried out. Compared with the mutual supervision of institutions and individual supervision methods in the West where there is power competition, my country's People's Congress system better guarantees the effectiveness of supervision of state management power.
(3) Guaranteeing the stability of the political situation
The People’s Congress system enables 1.3 billion people to be the masters of the country, embodies and protects the will and interests of the majority of the people, thereby safeguarding the The stability of the entire social order, the system of regional ethnic autonomy and the system of grassroots mass autonomy also enable the fastest, most direct and most effective solution to problems arising in the process of social operation, and also make factors that endanger social stability disappear in their infancy. In addition to the above two aspects, there is another important democratic system that plays a very important role in guaranteeing social stability and political stability in our country, namely the multi-party cooperation and political consultation system led by the Communist Party of China. The greatest advantage of this democratic system is that the relationship between the Communist Party of China and other parties is leadership and cooperation, governance and participation in politics.
Under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, all democratic parties participate in state power, participate in consultations on major national policies and national leadership candidates, and participate in the management of national affairs, contributing wisdom and energy to the construction of the country. , thus being able to integrate political forces from all aspects of society into a positive force that works towards the same goal.
(4) Guaranteed governance efficiency
Western parliamentary systems and separation of powers only emphasize democracy and lack necessary centralization. There are often phenomena of mutual restraint, buck-passing, and blackmail. Even the normal parliamentary legislative procedures have become lengthy due to conflicts and arguments between different parties. Many good bills have come to nothing in complex parliamentary debates. The democratic centralism implemented in our country's democratic political construction combines the requirements of democracy and efficiency. Whether in the formation stage or the implementation stage of the resolution, centralization based on democracy and democracy under centralized guidance are implemented, and there are discussions and decisions, and decision-making is realized. The democratization, proceduralization and scientificization can not only ensure the full development of socialist democracy, give full play to the wisdom of the people, reflect the people's sentiments, gather public opinion, safeguard and realize the various powers and rights of the people as the masters of the country; it can also gather the opinions of all parties, Coordinate different interests, coordinate various needs, and make correct decisions. Therefore, democratic centralism is an effective way to ensure the unity of democracy and efficiency. ?
The democratic system that China has established and continuously developed during the long-term revolution and construction process is different from that of Western countries. It is in line with China’s current national conditions and needs and has theoretical significance. outstanding advantages, and has realized the spirit, concepts and principles of democracy to a greater extent in practice. It is undeniable that there are still some problems in our country's democratic system, which need to be improved and perfected. However, the author believes that these problems are all problems caused by the operation of the democratic system, and the superiority of the socialist democratic system with Chinese characteristics cannot be denied.