1. Combine the four columns A, B, C and D into one column. Method (it's a bit troublesome to merge formulas, so use WORD to convert them back and forth): Select the data range in EXCEL-copy-open Word-paste the data range just copied in-click the square arrow in the upper left corner of the table. Select all the pasted tables-find the Convert to Text button under the layout menu (under the Table Tools menu in WPS)-click Convert to Text-select the paragraph mark in the pop-up dialog window, and remove the checkmark for converting to nested tables-OK-Copy-Return to the EXCEL worksheet-click the cell F 1 and paste.
2. Enter the formula = if error (index ($ f $1:$ f $12, small (if (match ($ f $1:f $12, $ f $65438)). ROW($F$ 1:$F$ 12),65536),ROW(A 1)),"")
Press CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to end the formula. Drag fill handle's direct formula to any length. The area of $ 1:$ 12 in the formula can be modified according to your actual form. As shown in the figure: