A catty of pigskin needs 3 catties of water. If the proportion is not well mastered, the frozen pigskin is not hard and the taste is not very good. If the pigskin jelly is a little hard, you can cook it for a while. After the soup is cooled, put it in the refrigerator and it tastes better.
Skin jelly, alias skin jelly, is an invention of Manchu people and a kind of home cooking. Its technology is cooking, and its taste is tight, tough and fresh. It is made by boiling pigskin, which is a raw material of meat products with high content of protein. Can be processed into pork skin, jelly, ham and other meat products. Pigskin contains a lot of collagen, which can be converted into gelatin during cooking. Gelatin has a reticular spatial structure, which can combine a lot of water and enhance cell physiological metabolism.