Accio Summoning Charm (Flying Charm)
Acid Pops Magical candies that can pierce your tongue. Available from Honeydukes in Hogsmeade.
Aconite is a plant used in making potions. Also called Aconite or Aconite grass.
Agrippa The name of a wizard mentioned on the wizard card.
Alchemy Alchemy. A discipline created in the Middle Ages for the purpose of turning stone into gold.
Alohomora Unlocking Spell (Alohomora Opening)
Animagi is a wizard who can transform into animal form at will. The animals they transform into are animagus.
Aparecium A spell that makes invisible ink visible.
Apparate Teleport yourself to anywhere instantly. This is very difficult and requires a license from the Department of Magical Teleportation to use. There is a danger of splinching. (Maybe it means the head is missing, I don’t quite understand)
Aragog is the name of a giant spider in the Forbidden Forest.
Arithmancy The ancient study of the magical properties of numbers. (Numerical Divination)
Astronomy The knowledge of stars and planets. (Astronomy)
Aunt Marge Dudley Dursley's aunt, Vernon Dursley's sister, is very unfriendly and annoying to Harry. (Aunt Maggie)
Auror A professional hunter of dark wizards. (Auror)
Avada KedavraKilling curse With a burst of green light, it brings instant death. There is no way to resist, one of the three Unforgivable Curses (Avada Kedavra)
Azkaban wizard prison. Guarded day and night by dementors. As long as you get too close to them, your peace, hope, and happiness will all be sucked away. (Azkaban)
Bagman.Ludo Director of the Department of Magical Games. He was a batsman for Wimbledon Wasps and played for England. He was tall, with blond hair and a round, pink face. (Ludo Bagman)
Bagshot.Bathilda Author of A History of Magic.
Bane The name of a centaur in the Forbidden Forest. (Bane)
Basilisk A snake-like creature whose eyes can turn you to stone.
Beater hits the Bludger at the opposing Quidditch player. (Batter)
Beauxbatons A magical school somewhere in Europe. (Beauxbatons)
Bell.Katie Gryffindor's Chaser. (Katie Bell)
Bertie Botts' Bibi's All-Flavour Beans. It could taste anything including spinach, liver, offal, sprouts, curry, grass...even something horribly vomit-inducing.
The stone Bezoar removed from the stomach of the goat can detoxify many poisons. (Bezoar)
Binns Professor of the History of Magic at Hogwarts. The only ghost professor in the school. He fell asleep in front of the fireplace and did not wake up.
Black Forest In Germany, rumor has it that Professor Lowe encountered a vampire.
Blast-Ended Skrewt Blast-Ended Skrewt. Resulting from a cross between a manticore and a fire crab, it has no discernible head or eyes and intermittent explosions at one end. The males have scorpion-like stings and the females have many straws in their stomachs. Adult snails have thick gray armor and can grow up to ten feet long.
Black.Sirius, a prisoner who escaped from Azkaban. (Sirius Black)
Blood-flavoured Lollipops Lollipops made for vampires.
Bloody Baron The ghost who lives in Slytherin Tower. (Bloor the Bloody)
Boggart Shapeshifter. Become the shape you fear most. (Boggart)
Bouncing Bulb A plant used in herbal medicine classes.
(Jumping Bulb)
Bozo Photographer for the Daily Prophet.
Borgin and Burkes are in the Dark Devil's Shop in Knockturn Alley.
Broomstick Servicing Kit Hermione's thirteenth birthday gift to Harry. A black leather case containing broomstick polish, tail twig pruners, a brass compass and a broomstick repair manual.
Brown.Lavender is a Hogwarts student in the same grade as Harry. In Gryffindor, his best friend is Parvati. (Lavender Brown)
Bryce.Frank was a Muggle killed by Voldemort. Frank was the gardener at Riddle House in Little Hangleton.
Buckbeak The name of a griffon. It is a flying creature that is half bird-like and half horse-like.
Bulstrode.Millicent Hermione's partner in the second-year dueling club. Millicent was in Slytherin, the same year as Harry.
Bubble-Head Charm A magic that allows you to breathe underwater. (Bubble Head Curse)
Bubotuber is a black slug-like plant with many bumps filled with yellowish-green liquid. Its thick juice treats acne, but can cause pain and boils if undiluted. (Burrow)
Burrow The Weasley family's house. (The Burrow)
Butterbeer A fizzy, butter-like drink served in Hogsmeade. (Butterbeer)
Cadogan.Sir A knight in a portrait in the north tower. Temporary guard at Gryffindor Tower while the Fat Lady undergoes repairs.
Canary Creams A cream cookie invented by Fred and George that temporarily turns the person who eats it into a canary.
Care of Magical Creatures is a course offered at Hogwarts that teaches students how to care for magical creatures.
Centaurs are half-man, half-horse creatures that live in the Forbidden Forest.
Chamber of Secrets A hidden place created by Salazar Slytherin, where unknown and terrifying things are hidden. Only his true heir can be released to purge the school of those unworthy of learning magic.
Chang.Cho is the Seeker of Ravenclaw, one year above Harry.
Charm A spell that produces bad effects on opponents.
Chaser A Quidditch player who attempts to score with the Quaffle. (Chaser)
Chocoballs A magical candy filled with strawberry cream and curdled cheese.
Chocolate Frogs Magical candies filled with wizard cards. (Chocolate Frogs)
Chudley Cannons Ron Weasley's favorite professional Quidditch team. Dressed in bright orange and black robes, they were ranked ninth in the league at the start of Harry's second year. (Charlie Cannon)
Circe The name of a witch mentioned in the Wizard Cards.
Cleansweep 7 A broomstick used by Fred and George. (Sweeps seven stars)
Clearwater.Penelope is the girlfriend of Platinum Weasley.
Cliodna The name of a witch mentioned in wizard cards.
Cockroach Clusters A magical candy made from cockroaches.
Comet The broom Qiu Zhang uses to fly. (Comet)
Common room is the gathering place for various houses of Hogwarts. (Prince *** Lounge)
Common Welsh Green is a dragon that grows in Britain. (Welsh Green Dragon)
Cornish Pixies Naughty pixies that wreak havoc.
Crabbe.Vincent A foolish follower of Malfoy. Short, fat, and very mean-looking. With a basin haircut and a thick neck, in Slytherin.
Creevey.Colin is an admirer of Harry. He often follows Harry and takes photos of him from time to time. One year below Harry, in Gryffindor. (Colin Creevey)
Creevey.Dennis is a student at Hogwarts and Colin's younger brother. Dennis was three years below Harry and also in Gryffindor.
Cribbages Wizarding Crackers In the UK, firecrackers are a favorite item at Christmas parties. These firecrackers are paper tubes filled with candies and various decorations, wrapped in colored paper with both ends twisted. When two people each pull one end of the package, the paper tube will burst open and the gift inside will fall down.
Crouch.Bartemius Director of the International Magical Cooperation Department. He's like a banker, with a toothbrush mustache and a stickler for rules. (Crouch)
Crockford.Doris The witch Harry met in the Leaky Cauldron.
Crookshanks Hermione's pet cat. It has light reddish-yellow thick and fluffy fur, its legs are a little bent, and it has a slightly wrinkled face. (Crookshanks)
Crouch.Bartemius, the son of Crouch mentioned above, was imprisoned in Azkaban for following Voldemort.
Cruciatus curse causes pain to a person when Crucio's curse is spoken. One of the three unforgivable curses. (The Cruciatus Curse)
Daily Prophet A wizarding newspaper. (Daily Prophet)
Dark Mark The symbol of the Death Eaters: a skeleton with venomous snakes spitting out of its mouth. (The Dark Mark)
Davies.Roger Captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team.
Deathday Party A celebration held by the ghosts of Hogwarts to commemorate the day of their death. (Death Anniversary Party)
Defence Against the Dark Arts is a magic class at Hogwarts that teaches students how to resist evil creatures such as werewolves and vampires. (Defense Against the Dark Arts)
Deflating Draft A potion that counteracts the swelling solution, restoring the swollen parts to their original shape.
Death Eaters Voldemort's followers, summoned by the Dark Mark. (Death Eater)
Delacour.Fleur Beauxbatons' student. Very beautiful, with silver hair, her grandmother is a Veela. (Fleur Delacour)
Delacour.Gabrielle Fleur's sister. (Gabriel)
Delaney-Podmore.Patrick Captain of the Headless Hunters.
Dementors are creatures that feed on humans' happy thoughts and are the guardians of Azkaban. The Dementor's Kiss can suck away a person's soul, leaving only an emotionless shell. (Dementors)
Deletrius Spell A spell that causes objects to shatter.
Dervish and Banges Wizarding Supply Shop in Hogsmeade.
Densaugeo Spell A spell that makes teeth longer.
Diagon Alley is a cobbled street with some of the most attractive wizarding shops, accessible via London's Leaky Cauldron.
Diffindo A spell that causes objects to split.
Diggle.Dedalus is a wizard Harry met in the Leaky Cauldron. He once bowed to Harry in a shop.
Diggory.Amos Cedric's father has a tall figure and a brown beard.
Diggory.Cedric Hufflepuff's Seeker. (Cedric)
Disapparate is a method of making people disappear at will.
Dissendium A spell that opens the entrance to a secret passage in Hogsmeade.
Divination uses tea leaves, crystal balls, etc. to predict the future magic. Professor Trelawney is the Divination teacher at Hogwarts.
Dobby is the name of a house elf who admires Harry very much, but gets Harry into a lot of trouble. (Dobby)
Dr Filibuster's Fabulous No-Heat Wet-Start Fireworks A magical firework that Fred and George were particularly fond of. They fill the room with red and gold stars that last half an hour.
Draco Dormiens Nunquam Titillandus The motto of Hogwarts. Meaning: Never tease a sleeping dragon.
Dragon is a legendary reptilian creature. They can fly and breathe fire. Hagrid was particularly fond of dragons and for a time owned a Norwegian Ridgeback named Norbert.
Draught of Living Death A powerful sleeping pill.
Drooble's Best Blowing Gum A magical candy that fills a room with blue bubbles that last for half an hour.
Duelling Club is a club run by Professor Lockhart that teaches students how to duel with spells. (Duel Club)
Dungbomb A smelly bomb. (Stink bomb)
Dumbledore.Albus Headmaster of Hogwarts. Dumbledore was widely regarded as the best wizard of his generation, and he was the only person Voldemort feared. He is tall, lanky, old, with long silver hair and beard. He has blue eyes, wears half-moon glasses, and wears a purple floor-length cloak. "Dumbledore" is an old English word that means "bumblebee".
Durmstrang A magic school. Somewhere in northern Europe. Smaller than Hogwarts, but with wider grounds. (Durmstrang)
Dursley.Dudley Harry's terrible non-magical cousin. Dudley was fat, blond, and rather stupid. But that didn't stop him from bullying Harry whenever he had the chance.
◎Characters of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry ◎
Albus Dumbledore Albus Dumbledore is the principal of Hogwarts. Tall, thin, old and bearded, with a long and twisted nose, and wearing half-moon glasses. He is the first-level archmage of the Order of Merlin of the International Federation of Wizards.
Minerva McGonagal The vice-principal of Hogwarts, also known as Professor McGonagal, is a strict and smart teacher.
Madam Pornfrey Madam Pornfrey is the teacher in the medical room, strict but with excellent medical skills.
Professor Quirrell Professor Quirrell taught Defense Against the Dark Arts when Harry was in his first year at the wizarding school.
Professor Severus Snape teaches potions and always tries his best to cause trouble for Harry.
Professor Binns Professor Binns teaches the history of magic and is the only ghost to serve as a professor.
Professor Flitwick teaches spells. He is extremely short and has to stand on a pile of books to reach the desk during class.
Rubeus Hagrid is the keykeeper and gamekeeper of Hogwarts. He is almost twice as tall as the average person. He has a rough appearance but a soft and kind heart.
Argus Filch Argus. Filch, the caretaker of Hogwarts, takes pleasure in the suffering of his students.
Gilderoy Lockhart Gilderoy Lockhart has wavy blond hair and a pair of bright eyes. He teaches Harry Potter's Defense Against the Dark Arts course in his second year. But he is an arrogant guy who brags that kung fu is better than magic.
Madam Pince Mrs. Pince is the librarian of Hogwarts.
Madam Hooch Madam Hooch has short gray hair and teaches flying lessons in the first semester.
Remus Lupin Remus. Lupine was Harry's Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher in his third year.
Prof.Dippet Professor Dippet was the principal of Tom Rudd when he was at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.
Professor Trelawney is the divination teacher at Hogwarts. The man is very thin, wears a pair of big glasses, and has countless chains and beads hanging around his neck. He teaches how to predict the future from tea leaves and crystal balls. I have great faith in the signs seen by the "mind's eye", but I often make mistakes.
Fat Lady Fat Lady is a chubby woman wearing pink silk clothes.
Moaning Myrtle Crybaby Mado is a ghost who lives in the girls' bathroom. He has straight hair and thick glasses. He always likes to cry for no apparent reason, and his cries are very scary.
Fat Friar Fat Friar The ghost who once studied Huffboy.
Peeves Peeves is a naughty kid who enjoys teasing students. Only by naming him the Bloody Baron can he be calmed down.
Nearly Headless Nick Nearly Headless Nick is the resident ghost of Gryffindor Tower. The students called him "Nearly Headless Nick."
Bloody Baron Bloody Baron Slytherin's resident ghost. With a pair of empty eyes and a haggard face, he is Peeves' nemesis.
◎Dursley Family◎
Vernon Dursley Vernon. Dursley, a chubby man, is Harry Potter's uncle.
Petunia Dursley Petunia. Dursley is a thin blonde woman who is Harry's aunt and hates magic.
Dudley Dursley Dudley. 德思礼 哈利的表哥,很爱揍哈利,非常胖。
Marge Dursley Maggie. Dursley Vernon's sister. She has no real blood relationship with Harry, but she was forced to call her aunt along with Dudley since she was a child. She seemed to take pleasure in humiliating Harry.
◎Potter Family ◎
James Potter James. Potter Harry's father, the student body president of Hogwarts, was killed by Lord Voldemort.
Lily Potter Lily. Potter Harry's mother, the student union president of Hogwarts, was killed by Lord Voldemort.
Harry Potter Harry. Potter is the protagonist of this book. He has a lightning-shaped scar on his forehead. His parents died when he was young and he lives in the Dursley family.
◎Weasley Family◎
Auther Weasley Arthur. Wesley Ron's father was very fond of Muggle gadgets.
Molly Weasley Jasmine. Wesley Ron's mother was a short, fat and stern woman.
Bill Weasley Bill. Wesley Ron's eldest brother has graduated from Hogwarts and is working for Gringotts in Africa.
Charlie Weasley Charlie. Wesley Ron's second brother also graduated from Hogwarts and studied dragons in Romania.
Percy Weasley. Wesley Ron's third brother, Harry was the prefect of Glyffindor when he entered school.
Fred Weasley. Wesley and George are twins and mischievous partners.
Geoge Weasley George. Wesley and Frey are twins and mischievous partners.
Ron Weasley Ron. Wesley, Harry's best friend, is from the ancient magic family Wesley. He is full of freckles, has a lot of money, and is very good at playing chess.
Ginny Weasley Ginny. Wesley, the youngest sister in the Wesley family, has a secret crush on Harry.
◎Mafen Family ◎
Lucius Malfoy. Ma Fen, Brother Shi's father, has a problem with Dumbledore.
Narcissa Malfoy Narcissa. Ma Fen is Brother Chi’s mother.
Draco Malfoy. Ma Fen and Harry were rivals in the magic school, and he took great pleasure in causing trouble for Harry.
◎Gryffindor Academy◎
Godric Gryffindor Godric Gryffindor is the founder of Gryffindor Academy.
Hermione Granger Hermione Granger has thick brown hair and a pair of big front teeth like a bunny. She is a super-hard-working student. What she fears most is that she will be pawned by Professor McGrady.
Neville Longbottom Neville Longbottom Harry's classmate in Glyfendo is a confused man with poor memory who often gets into trouble.
Lavender Brown Wenda Brown is the first student to be assigned a Gelai score by the sorting hat.
Seamus Finnigan is the boy who shares the same dormitory with Harry.
Oliver Wood Oliver Wood is the captain and caretaker of the Quidditch team.
Lee Jordan Lee Jordan is a friend of Wesley's twin brother.
Dean Thomas is the boy who shares the same dormitory with Harry.
Parrati Patil
◎Hufflepuff Academy◎
Helga Hufflepuff Helga Hufflepuff is the founder of Hufflepuff Academy.
Hannah Abbott Hannah Abbott is a girl with pink cheeks and blond hair.
Susan Bones Susan Bones
Justin Flinch-Fletchley A Hufflepuff College student who attended Herbology with Harry.
◎Ravenclaw Academy◎
Rowena Pavenclaw Rowena Ravenclaw The founder of Ravenclaw Academy.
Penelope Clearwater Penny? Clearwater Ravenclaw's prefect, and later with Patsy. Wesley becomes a couple.
Terry Boot Terry Boot
Lisa Turpin Lisa Dupin
Mandy Brocklehurst Mandy Brockle
Cho Chang is Ravenclaw's catcher in Quidditch, one year above Harry Potter. Harry met Qiu Zhang in the third year when he participated in the "Glyfendor vs. Ravenclaw" match. She was about a head shorter than Harry and had a beauty that could not be ignored. In the opening scene of that game, Zhang Qiu smiled sweetly at Harry, which made Harry "seem to have something in his stomach tremble slightly."
◎Slytherin Academy◎
Salazar Slytherin The founder of Slytherin Academy.
Vincent Crabbe Vincent Crabbe. One of the fox and dog gangs in Malfen.
Gregory GoyleGregory Goyle. One of the fox and dog gangs in Malfen.
Millicent Bulstrode Millicent Bulstrode is a student of Slytherin College who is paired with Millicent in the duel club.
Millicent Bulstrobe Misen? Bosche
Blaise Zabini 泽比?Blaise
Pansy Parkinson Pansy? Parkinson
◎ Others ◎
Agrippa is one of the magician character set cards that comes with purchasing the Chocolate Frog.
Bane The name of the centaur who lives in the Forbidden Forest and is also the Stargazer.
Celestina Warbeck Celestina Warbeck is a famous female singer in the magical world.
Cornelius Fudge Cornelius Fudge, the Minister of Magic, is a chubby wizard.
Ernie Prang Ernie Prang The name of the driver of the Knight Bus is an old wizard wearing thick glasses.
Firenze is a centaur and stargazer who lives in the forbidden forest. He has amazingly beautiful eyes.
Hengist Hanjis Purchase one of the Magician Character Set Cards that comes with Chocolate Frog.
Madam Rosmerta Mrs. Rometta is the barmaid in Homie Village.
Madalda Hopkirk is an employee of the Bureau of Abuse of Magic.
Merlin Merlin Purchase one of the Magician Character Set Cards that comes with Chocolate Frog.
Morgana Morgana Buy one of the Magician Character Set Cards that comes with Chocolate Frog.
Moony Moony is the nickname used by Lu Ping when he was a student at Hogwarts.
Padfoot Padfoot Sirius. Black's nickname while attending Hogwarts.
Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore Sir Patrick Delaney-Podmore The leader of the Headless Horseman's hunt.
Peter Pettigrew Peter Pettigrew is one of Harry Potter's father's friends and a beast master. He transformed into "Scabbers the Mouse" and hid in Ron's house.
Pires Polkiss Pires Polkiss is a skinny boy who is Dudley's best friend and Dudley's accomplice when he bullies others.
Prongs Antlers James. The nickname Potter used when he was a student at Hogwarts.
Ronan is the name of the Centaur in the Forbidden Forest where he lives, and is also the Stargazer.
Stan Shunpike Stan Shunpike, the driver of the Cavalry Bus, has a pair of big ears and several obvious pimples on his face.
Sirius Black? James Potter's best friend when he was studying at Hogwarts and Harry Potter's godfather, but he was imprisoned in a wizard's prison on an unfounded charge of "murder"——A Zikaban.
Tom Riddle Tom Riddle was a student at Hogwarts fifty years ago. He had excellent academic performance and won the "Special Contribution Award". His magical diary once tempted Ginny Wesley into the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets. The trap
Voldemort is a powerful black magic wizard who makes the magic world fearful! Also the one who killed Harry Potter's parents. Voldemort: No one dared to call him directly, he was called "that person", the murderer of Harry's parents.
Wormtail Wormtail is the nickname used by Peter Pedro when he was a student at Hogwarts.