Looking for the English names of various chemical instruments

adapter liquid receiving tube

air condenser air condenser tube

beaker beaker

boiling flask flask

boiling flask-3-neck three-neck flask

burette clamp burette clamp

burette stand titration stand

Busher funnel Buchner funnel

Claisen distilling head vacuum distillation head

condenser-Allihn type spherical condenser tube

condenser-west tube straight condenser tube

crucible tongs crucible tongs

crucible with cover crucible with cover

distilling head distillation head

distilling tube distillation tube

Erlenmeyer flask Erlenmeyer flask

evaporating dish (porcelain) porcelain evaporating dish

filter flask(suction flask) suction filter flask

florence flask flat-bottomed flask

fractionating column fractionating column

Geiser burette (stopcock) burette

graduated cylinder

Hirsch funnel

long-stem funnel


medicine dropper dropper

Mohr burette for use with pinchcock alkaline burette

Mohr measuring pipette measuring liquid tube

mortar mortar

pestle pestle

pinch clamp spring throttling clamp

plastic squeeze bottle plastic washing bottle

reducing bush large to small conversion joint


rubber pipette bulb

screw clamp

separatory funnel

stemless funnel

test tube holder test tube clamp

test tube test tube

Thiele melting point tube Thiele melting point tube

transfer pipette pipette

< p>tripod tripod

volumetric flask volumetric flask

watch glass watch dish

wide-mouth bottle wide-mouth bottle