Funny hamster names include:
1. Minnie, Mickey, Miffy, Milin, Mika.
2. Mia, Misi, Milong, Miying, Xiaomi.
3. Tiantian, Xiaoxue, Yingying, Longlong and Lanlan.
4. Fox, Zaizai, Yanyan, Xiongxiong, and Ruila.
5. Xiaoxiao, Dingdang, Xianxian, Haha, Shunzi.
The living habits of hamsters:
Hamsters are omnivorous animals with a wide range of food habits and the habit of storing food. It mainly feeds on plant seeds, but also eats plant stems, leaves, fruits, and occasionally insects. Hamsters do not hibernate and live on stored food during the winter. Hamster burrows containing up to 90 kilograms of food have been found.
Hamsters sense visual, tactile, auditory and chemical stimuli. The daytime is basically the resting time for hamsters. They like to stay out at night and are mainly active at night. Their eyesight is poor and they can only blur shapes and can only distinguish black and white colors.
Hamsters use chemicals to communicate. Males mark their territory with their large sebaceous lateral glands. In fact, the size of these glands correlates with an individual's position in the dominance hierarchy: the larger the glands, the greater the animal's dominance.