Xiao year of the snake was born, and when he was named, he should have the word "withering", and he will enjoy happiness and prosperity all his life; There is a worm fish character, which is both wise and brave, and sincere and gentle; There are children, nests, Tian Zi and Zi Shan, who emphasize righteousness and benefit, are knowledgeable, successful and prosperous, and have both fame and fortune; There are gold words and jade words, and they are resourceful, self-denial and helping others, and good deeds are rewarded; There are moon characters, local characters, integrity and peaks;
There is a saying, just sex or trouble; There are stone characters, knife characters, blood characters and bow characters, which are not good for families. Married late, well-off, afraid of water. There are three words "fire", "curse" and "charm", which are harmful to health. Xiao year of the snake was born, so be careful in the following years: Year of the Pig, Year of the Monkey and Year of the Tiger. In the Year of the Ox and the Year of the Rooster, there will be smooth sailing and a successful career.
Yu Zi Meng Ze Meng Si Qiu Yun
Mengyun Yu Meng Hua Meng Mugetu Qiuxing Qiuying Qiuyue Qiulu Qiuyang
Shu Sheng Shu Cai in Puxin Xinglin Forest, Park Bom City, Park Sung
Song Yue, Song Xue, Song Lin, Prynne, Si Liu, Linlink, Linzi, Lin Xiu, Jingshuxin.
Mulan, Mu Xin, Mu Sen, mignonette, kapok, Manglietia, Radix Aucklandiae and Indigoferae.
Sen Li Xiusen Chu Jie Chu Huai Chu Feng Chu Tian Chu Yun Yu Ying Rong Hai
Ai Zhi Ai Yun Yi Li Sandipeng Furong Radish
Guo Yi Qian Yu Shao Guo Busy Wu Mi Zhi
The Rhyme of Ba Fen's Neo-Orientalization in Guolu Qinqi
When the moss grows, the grass grows and the lettuce grows.
I'll be here. I'll be here.
Finally, I made a lot of tea.
Grass, grass, recommendation, waste, plum and buckwheat.
Single word;