Confucius' famous hill is Zhong Ni. Confucius is an illegitimate child (his father died in the future and gave him the birthright of mother and son. His father had a son, which was unhealthy, but this son's mother was so powerful that he didn't want Confucius to share the property). Confucius's mother gave birth to a hill outside his house, so his father named it Qiu, and Confucius was the second child, zhong (the sequence of uncle's season), and Qiu was named Nishan, which was Ni.
during the warring States period, the representatives of Confucianism were Mencius (later known as the sage, which means inferior to the sage Confucius) and Xunzi (Xunzi himself was a Confucian, but his disciples were almost legalists).
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