Question 1: How to query a registered trademark? Open the official website of the Trademark Office ***
Click "Trademark Query"
Pass " "Trademark Comprehensive Search", enter the brand name (trademark name) or applicant name to search;
Click on the trademark name to confirm whether the trademark has been registered and check the trademark status (trademark acceptance, trademark registration completed or trademark invalid, etc. )
Question 2: How to check which trademarks the company has registered? You can go to the "China Trademark Network" (*** and apply in the trademark search Enter the full name of the company in the name of the person to query all registered trademarks of the company. You can also go to China Registered Trademark Online (chntm/) and enter the company's full name in the comprehensive search in the trademark search to query all registered trademarks of the company.
Question 3: How to check whether a brand has been registered on the China Trademark Network? How to determine whether they are similar trademarks when searching for trademarks?
Mainly look at their pronunciation, glyph shape, and word meaning, of which pronunciation accounts for 10%, glyph shape accounts for 45%, and word meaning accounts for 45%.
There are more details.
You can click on my username to view the contact information and contact me. I will help you inquire for free.
Question 4: How to find the registration information of a product on the website of the Industrial and Commercial Bureau. You can first go to the local Industrial and Commercial Bureau website, and then search for the corporate trademark in the online service. and product quality supervision
Question 5: How can I check the company name if I only know the trademark? By searching on the Trademark Network, you can find the name of the trademark in what category
Question 6: How to query the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for trademark registration information< /p>
Trademark query: *** *** cx/
Among them:
Trademark similarity query: This query is based on graphics, text, etc. The trademark components provide a similar search function respectively, and users can search by themselves whether there is an identical or similar trademark on the same or similar goods.
Comprehensive trademark query: Users can query relevant information about a certain trademark by trademark number, trademark, applicant name, etc.
Trademark status query: Users can query the status of the relevant trademark in the business process through the trademark application number or registration number.
Question 7: How to check the trademark registration number and application number of a company’s products! The trademark application number is on the registration application notice.
The registration number is on the trademark certificate.
If you are not the registrant, you can only search for similar trademarks on the website (Trademark Office) and find the trademark you are looking for.
Question 8: Where can I find the trademark registration certificate? Hello, the registration information can be found on the official website of the Trademark Office, but the registration certificate cannot be viewed. We can also help you with inquiries.
The key to trademark application lies in comprehensive search and professional risk assessment.
Trademark application process: Trademark registration is generally divided into two types: individual and company applications. Documents required for personal application: (1) Copy of ID card (signature required); (2) Copy of self-employed license; (3) Application for trademark registration; (4) Power of attorney if required by an agency. Documents required for company application: 1. A copy of the business license (seal required) 2. Application for trademark registration; 3. A power of attorney if an agency is appointed. The overall process takes about 14-16 months, including the acceptance notice (about 1-2 months), substantive examination (9 months), announcement (3 months), and certification (about 2 months) ).
You can also ask us about trademark naming, trademark design, trademark search, trademark application, change, transfer, renewal, objection, and infringement litigation:
Question 9: How to check existing trademarks? 1. Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce***
2. Third-party query platform: 0haochuangkou
3. Entrust an agency to query
Question 10: How to check whether a trademark has been registered for free? You can check on the China Trademark Network, *** is the official website of the Trademark Network
After entering, click Trademark Search → I Accept → Trademark Similar Search → Fill in the international classification number and search method. Query content → Automatic query → OK...
If there are graphics, it is best to go to the Trademark Office for an inspection to avoid future troubles. If the graphics are designed by yourself, you can not check them.