The eight characters are: Jichou (year), Bingzi (month), Bingwu (day), Bingshen (hour)
If the day is dominated by Bing fire and the child is born, the month cannot be ordered, and the child month is water-exuberant. When fire dies, the hourly branch Shenjin gives birth to son water, the year pillar Jichou also vents the sun stem Bing fire. Although Bing fire sits on the noon fire and connects the roots, there are also moon stem Bing fire and hour stem Bing fire to help the body. Taken together, Bing fire is still too weak. Weak fire benefits wood and fire helps the body. Therefore, the characters for wood and fire are taken from the name. Suggested names: Liu Lin, Liu Qing, etc. Do not use characters belonging to the five elements of metal, water, and earth as your name. The above is my personal opinion and is for reference only.