The meaning of the name Chang is integrity, strength, hard work, sunshine, promising future, and loyalty.
Chang, whose pinyin is chǎng, is a common character. The original meaning of the word Chang refers to the long daytime, which is extended to mean bright and shining. It also means comfortable and smooth. When used as a personal name, it means comfort, integrity, and eternal brightness. When choosing a name with the character Chang, pay attention to the wording that matches the child's gender temperament. Boys' names should reflect masculinity, such as Yi, Feng, Yang, etc.; girls' names should reflect femininity and beauty, such as cute, elegant. , Xian and other words.
The attribute of the five elements of the character Chang is fire. According to the principle that fire overcomes metal, it is taboo to name the character Chang with a character that belongs to the five elements metal; it is taboo to name the character Chang with the same character as the ancestor. If the ancestor’s name is It contains the character Chang, and younger generations are taboo to name it with the character Chang; it is taboo to name the character Chang with a character that has the same rhyme as ǎng, or a character with the same rhyme and a high tone, which makes it difficult to pronounce and has no sense of rhythm.
Recommended names for the word Chang
1. Changjing
Jing means quiet and motionless, also means silent and calm. When referring to people, it refers to an excellent quality of being able to be calm, calm, and indifferent when encountering problems.
2. Shan Chang
The word Shan has a noble and beautiful meaning in it. When paired with the word Chang, it has the meaning of being knowledgeable, versatile, noble and elegant in a person's name, symbolizing that the child will become in the future. Extraordinary.
3. Chang Lang
Lang generally refers to bright, happy, pure, such as bright and powerful; it also refers to loud and smooth sound. The word "Lang" used as a name means a cheerful personality and a smiling appearance?
4. Changran
Ran means such, such, promise, abide by, shine, understand, etc. mean. When used as a person's name, it means reason, integrity, and brilliance. The combination of the two words means being faithful to one's word, knowledgeable and reasonable, and well-known by word of mouth?