Excuse me: Ancient Roman name

During the Roman Republic and the Roman Empire, the naming of Roman male citizens usually used the three-member method (Latin: tria nomina), that is, the three parts that make up the name are the personal name in turn ( Latin: praenomen), clan name (Latin: nomen), family name (Latin: cognomen), and possibly additional names (nicknames, Latin: agnomen) in addition to the three names. Roman female citizens generally did not have personal names and additional names. The first personal name or personal name was chosen by the parents, usually named after the male head of the family. Since the range of choices is limited to names such as Gaius (Latin: Gnaeus), Marcus (Latin: Marcus), Quintus (Latin: Quintus), Pu With names like Publius (Latin: Publius), Tiberius (Latin: Tiberius), and Titus (Latin: Titus), it is very possible that several generations have the same name. It may thus be necessary to use other names (family names, and later additional names used as nicknames) to distinguish different individuals. Normally, only close friends call each other by their personal names. Clan name Second name, or clan name derived from the name of the clan, occurs in the masculine form (usually -ius) in men's names and in the feminine form (usually -ia) in women's names. The earliest clans originated from the first families to settle in Rome, and these families eventually developed into complete clans that controlled a specific area. As Rome expanded, the number of tribes also increased, and not every tribe descended from the original settlers. Some of the clan names come from the Etruscans, some from local tribes, and others from prominent geographical features around them. The family name Caesar may come from the long and thick hair caesaries, but in fact he is bald. Third names, or family names, were originally nicknames or personal names used to distinguish those with the same name, and did not appear in official documents until about 100 BC. Often, family names were based on physical or personality traits, sometimes ironically: Julius Caesar's third name, "Caesar" (Latin: Caesar), probably means long and dense. of hair (Latin: caesaries) [1], and in fact he was bald, and Tacitus' third name (Latin: Tacitus) means silence, but he himself was a famous orator. However, during the Japanese and Korean War, the third name was no longer used as a nickname, but became a family name used to distinguish different families within the same clan and passed from father to son. The additional name lost its original nickname function because the third name was inherited as the family name, so a new nickname - the additional name (fourth name) appeared. Additional names are often added to a child's name after birth, but not immediately, to indicate certain personalities or achievements. A common additional name, Pius (Latin: Pius), represents a person who possesses virtues such as honesty, respect for the gods, and willingness to contribute to the city or family. Unlike clan names and family names, additional names are often not inherited by descendants unless the son has the same qualities as his father or has completed the same career. Of course, additional names like Augustus or Germanicus eventually became additional family names. hereditary. Foreign Names As the Roman conquests reached areas beyond the Italian peninsula, many foreign names were absorbed. Many veterans retired from the various auxiliary legions and subsequently obtained Roman citizenship, and many of them still retained at least one part of their names, many of which were of Greek origin. Auxiliary legionnaires who were granted citizenship often took the emperor's clan name and used their original name as their family name. Other recent citizens also took the emperor's clan name.

For example, when Emperor Caracalla ("Marcus Aurelius Septimius Bassianus Antoninus") granted Roman citizenship to all free-born people in the empire, many chose Aurelius (Latin: Aurelius) as their clan name (Caracalla's actual clan His name was Septimius, and Aurelius was his name to show his noble lineage). Women's Names Roman women usually did not have a personal name, but took the feminine form of their father's gentile name (usually -ia). If a more detailed description is required, the family name of the father (and husband after marriage) is added to the clan name. Thus, when Cicero refers to a woman named "Annia P. Anni senatoris filia," he is referring to the daughter of the senator P. Annius, simply named Annia. . By the end of the Japanese War, married women had adopted the feminine form of their father's family name, and occasionally made minor changes to the feminine form. For example, Livia Drusilla, wife of Augustus, was the daughter of M. Livius Drusus. If only two daughters survive, then "elder" and "younger" can be used to distinguish them. The daughters of Mark Antony are "Big Antonia" (Nero's grandmother) and "Little Antonia" (Claudius's mother). Of course, "big" and "little" can also be used to distinguish mothers and daughters with the same name. . If there were more than two daughters, the Latin ordinal numbers were used: "Cornelia Quinta" was the fifth daughter of Cornelius.