PDF document does not recognize TimesNewRomanPSMT font, how to solve it?

This pdf document has been modified, but it has not been modified.

TimesNewRomanPSMT: The original author wrote something in TimesneRoman font, which is available on all windows machines. Then the author embeds a part of this font into the pdf, calling it TimesNewRomanPSMT, so it is a personal name, but there is no such font. So you can't find it.

At present, the method is to try to use foxit PDF editor and import the font TimesNewRoman first. TimesNewRomanPSMT font text will be replaced by TimesneRoman, and the possibility of successful replacement is still relatively high. However, if the original author's tool is abnormal and disrupts the information of the original character set (to prevent modification), there is no way out. Let this pdf document rest in peace.