A woman is humble as a maid, and a woman can be called a slave.
Su Dongpo and monk Fo Yin are good friends. They often talk about the past, discuss the present and play chess together. Su Xiaomei often heard his brother praise Fo Yin for his erudition and quick thinking. Although he doesn't say it on the surface, he can't accept it in his heart. He is always looking for opportunities to spite Fo Yin.
One day, Su Xiaomei was away on business and happened to meet a monk from Fo Yin visiting Su Dongpo at the door. Fo Yin confidently asked, "Are other disciples at home?" Su Xiaomei turned a deaf ear to Fo Yin's question, but asked Fo Yin to make a pair first:
People used to be monks, and people can become Buddhas;
This couplet is a clever spelling couplet, in which "Monk" is spelled with "Man Zeng" and "Buddha" is connected with "Fu Man", which implies a subtle disrespect. Fo Yin saw little sister a face of satisfied expression, I deliberately sarcasm, and then blurted out:
A woman is humble as a maid, and a woman can be called a slave.