Telephone number of taxi from Dongshan to Zhangzhou

There are many taxis from Dongshan to Zhangzhou. You can check it on the relevant website. 5 yuan will carpool from Dongshan to Zhangzhou, and 18 yuan will be chartered. You can make an appointment in advance.

taxis, cars that people hire temporarily, are often charged by mileage or time. Taiwan Province is called "taxi", Hunan, Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao are called "taxis", Singapore and Malaysia are called "Texaco", and Shanghai is called "cā dǒu".


One night in the early spring of p>197, Aaron, a rich boy, and his girlfriend went to Broadway in new york to watch an opera. When the party was over, he went to call a carriage and asked the driver how much it cost. Although it's only half a mile away from the theater, the coachman even overcharged him, paying 1 times more than usual. Aaron felt that it was too outrageous, so he argued with the driver and was knocked down by the driver.

After Aaron's injury, in order to get back at the coachman, he imagined using a car to squeeze across the carriage. Later, he invited a friend who repaired clocks to design a taximeter and named the taxi "taxi-car", which is the origin of the taxi now used all over the world. On October 1st, 197, "Taxi" first appeared on the streets of new york.