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Robot Wars D Strategy

Story Strategy:


Earth's Day

Victory Conditions : The enemy is completely destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of any of our units

First, after using the dragon horse to destroy the enemy's first tower G, the plot can occur. After separating the other towers, the combination can be completed. ·Gaeta. Enemy reinforcements then appeared. At the same time, Getter 2 and Getter 3 also appeared at Saotome Research Institute. The enemy is a 12-machine machine, but our three machine-mounted towers all have a power of 130, which is enough to deal with them, and they will activate the オープンゲット, the tower 2 and the マッハスペシャル. They all have a certain chance of being activated, and have the ability to avoid enemy attacks 100%. After destroying all the enemies, we returned to the modern era 13 years ago. Our hero appears. The enemy has 6 aircraft. When an enemy plane is shot down, the protagonist's lover appears. It makes the battle much easier. The "Preface" ends after all enemies are destroyed.

Chapter 1: The Closed World (Researchers’ Escape)

Victory Condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Condition: Destruction of the Husuo Machine

It's another classic plot of V Gundam. The first time the V Gundam is combined, the leg parts are always destroyed. Our side only has the V Gundam (head fighter) and two of the protagonist's machines, but the enemy has 12 mobile suits. However, there is still a certain distance between the abilities of the two sides (it cannot be said that there is a huge disparity). In the fourth round, the V Gundam was successfully integrated. I believe that 1/3 or more of the enemy aircraft should have been cleared. The remaining enemy aircraft should also be easier to clear.

Chapter 1 Confusion of the Universe (そら)で (Breaking into the Ruins)

Victory Condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Condition: The destruction of Ruraー?カイラム

Although we have a small number of people in this story, our strength is definitely strong: Char (Sazabi), Amuro (Lee Goss), Mirian Rudd (Gundam Demon), and the protagonist also has the enhanced human world ギュネイ. After all, the two planes are equipped with floating cannons and Amuro with two "lives". It's very easy to destroy all enemy planes. After passing the level, Kosi joins the team, and Kosi’s special ヤクト·ドーガ joins the team (can only be used after completing the level)

Episode 2: Shake the Earth! The real Resurrection! ! (Escape of the researchers)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of the タワー

In the third round, the real tower appeared, and at the same time, the enemy also appeared with 3 aircraft reinforcements. (One of the planes was overturned by a real getter due to plot requirements). Generally speaking, this chapter is very simple, and there is no need for any major explanation.

Chapter 2: The Worst Visitor (Breakthrough into the Ruins)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: The destruction of Rare·Kurra

This episode There is no need to explain the key points of the research. The only thing to note is that the Noseas Battle Carrier will run away when its HP is 2000. After destroying all enemies, pass the level.

Episode 3 Nightmare!インベーダーSaotome! (Researchers' escape)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of the タワー

When the attack of the タワー knocks down an enemy aircraft, a plot will occur. Then after continuing to shoot down any 2 enemy aircraft, our reinforcements 2 aircraft (V Gundam series) appeared, and defeated the True Dragon, causing the 2 separate Geta aircraft that disappeared at the beginning to appear, and merged into the True Geta Tower 2 appears. Pass the level after destroying all enemies. What I want to remind you in this level is that Dr. Saotome's body has HP and EN recovery.

Chapter 3: The End of the Tears (Intrusion into the Ruins)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: Destruction of the ラー?カイラム

First of all, in this level, you should pay attention to the special abilities of the robots of Hurako and Hurako II. They are able to defend against ray weapons with a damage power of 20, but any attack power exceeding 2000 will be successful. In the third round, one of our reinforcements arrived and had the ability to supply. At the same time, the defeat condition is added to the destruction of the Kosumacrota. After suppressing the enemy's original configuration, reinforcements from the Star Empire arrived in the lower left corner of the map, with 10 enemies in total.

The ボイダー(ボイダーbattle carrier) retreated when its HP was below 2000. After passing the level, Camus (Z Gundam) and Fa (Matas) join the team.

Episode 4: Flying Iron Fist!ダブルマジンガー! (Researchers’ escape)

Victory conditions: annihilation of the enemy. Defeat conditions: destruction of the Husso plane

In the third round, our reinforcements appeared in the lower right and were defeated at the same time. The condition is changed to all of us being destroyed. After the initial configuration of completely destroying the enemy, the Omnipotent Man and the Great Omnipotent Man will appear in the upper left corner of the map, as well as enemy reinforcements (W series), ***13 units, and the Geta Team will appear in the lower left corner of the map. At the same time, the V Gundam (head fighter) piloted by Hu Suo merged into the V Gundam. At the same time, the defeat condition is changed to the destruction of Uroha.

Episode 4: Listen to the song of オレの歌! (Break into the ruins)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our warships

You can try to use the singing of Baku in this level to improve the abilities of our team members. Moreover, since we have all repair machines and supply machines, I believe it should be very easy to conquer this level. In the 4th round, a plot will automatically occur, and MACROSS7 member Todukuro will die in battle. At the same time, the victory condition of this level has actually been changed to the downing of Fz-109F Eraルガーゾルン.

Episode 5: The disaster of war arises in the middle of the war! (Researchers’ escape)

Victory conditions: annihilation of the enemy. Defeat conditions: destruction of the Atoluウス, destruction of the Gガンパー, enemy aircraft invading the Atoluス

The enemy’s initial configuration is only 3 aircraft, and ours The 2 machines that can deal with them can be cleared within 3 rounds. After the initial deployment of all enemies is eliminated, reinforcements from both the enemy and ourselves arrive.

Episode 5: Return of the Young Man to the Battlefield (Intrusion into the Ruins)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: Destruction of our battleships

In this chapter, Hero (WING Gundam ZERO), Dio (Death Gundam), and ヒルデ (トーラス, with repair ability) are acquired. But since these are basically ビルゴⅡ, they are somewhat disadvantaged in terms of ray weapons, and their attack power is also very strong, and their hit avoidance is also very high. Everyone can hit it, so don’t waste your energy and pay attention to the use of ray weapons.

Chapter 6 Mr.ネゴシェイター (Researchers’ Escape)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of our machine

This episode, like the prologue level, is divided into two levels. As long as you shoot down the enemy plane in the first map, you can enter the second map. In the second round of the two maps, the story "ダルタニアス" merge automatically occurs. When there are still 5 aircraft left in the enemy's original configuration, reinforcements from both the enemy and ourselves arrive.

Episode 6: Battle with the female mayor Ena! (Break into the ruins)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed, our aircraft reaches the designated area. Defeat conditions: Our aircraft is destroyed, after 8 rounds

Pass this level and capture Two points: "concentration" and map weapons. It is mainly used when charging. The map weapon is naturally the two beams of WING Gundam, so as to ensure that it reaches the target location exactly in the 8th round. After completion, continue the second half of the chapter in the space. The victory conditions are: the destruction of all enemies. The defeat conditions are the destruction of our aircraft and the invasion of the enemy planes into the シティ7. In the 9th round, バサラ came to reinforce. In the 10th round, ギギル (who ran away after having 2000 HP left) led reinforcements. At the same time, our Captain Jinlong also died at the hands of an enemy female non-commissioned officer. Troops were immediately dispatched to confront the enemy. The defeat conditions have been changed again, from the destruction of our own aircraft to the destruction of our battleships.

Chapter 7: The Fierce Battle of Hatred (The Escape of the Researchers)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: Destruction of our own aircraft

There is nothing to say about the enemy's initial configuration. The high armor and high attack power of the two omnipotent men can easily solve it. After defeating the initial configuration, a plot will occur, and the HP of the two omnipotent men will be reduced to nearly 30 (if they have been attacked by K, and they did not use the spirit of indomitable spirit). At the same time, reinforcements from both the enemy and ourselves arrived. The defeat condition has been changed to the destruction of Uruna.

Ikusu (インベトゥス, HP 33000, small EN recovery, retreat below 3000), with map weapons, range 1-9, long shape, 3 grid width.

Chapter 7 Aoi Humanity (Intrusion into the Ruins)

Victory Condition: Total enemy destruction Defeat Condition: Destruction of our battleships

Early enemy stage Cleaning up the configuration is not that difficult and requires no further explanation. After solving the initial configuration, enemy reinforcements arrive at the upper right. Wu Fei (the third force, yellow) appears on the lower right. The Kabute (Kubite battle carrier) retreats when its HP is below 5000. After passing the level, Wu Fei joins the team. After crossing the border, join another route.

Chapter 8: Battle under the Sun (Researchers’ Escape)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: The destruction of the タワー, enemy planes invade the shuttle base


The combat configuration for this level recommends decentralized defense bases. At the very least, each base must have 3 permanent defenders.

When there are 5 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, enemy reinforcements (8 aircraft) will arrive in the lower left corner of the map. Once again, when there were 5 enemy planes left, reinforcements appeared on the right, killing 8 planes. The last two planes that appeared (Kurro and Fura) retreated with their HP below 2000. After crossing the border, join another route.

Formation of a special independent team in Chapter 9 (Merge)

Victory conditions: annihilation of all enemies. Defeat conditions: destruction of our battleships, destruction of ダルタニアス

When there are still 6 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, 9 reinforcements will appear at the bottom of the map. Once again, when the enemy force has 5 aircraft left, reinforcements will appear again at the top of the map. Among them, the ネシア (ネシアbattle carrier) ran away after its HP was less than 4000, and the ボイダー (ボイダーbattle carrier) ran away after its HP was less than 4000. Kabute (Kabot Battle Carrier) runs away after its HP is less than 5000. After the end of this level, the protagonist will be asked whether he is willing to use the unit name specified in the story. If he disagrees, choose "気に入らない"

Chapter 10: プリティデビル

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed Defeat condition: destruction of our battleship

Kurin forces a sortie. When there are 5 machines left in the enemy's initial configuration, enemy reinforcements will appear in the lower left corner. At the same time, our team's バサラ (VF-19 changed to F バルキリーF) appeared. Pass the level after destroying them all. At the same time, Char left the team.

Chapter 11: "Destruction"

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our battleships

True Geta -1 forced attack. After the initial configuration of annihilating all enemies and watching the performance of Black Gate Tower, new reinforcements appeared in the lower right corner of the map. In the next round, at the top of the map, our reinforcements and the UFO machine arrive, and the two units that appear can be combined.アクイラ(フォルティス?アーラ) escapes with less than 5000 HP left.

Episode 12: The terrifying cosmic disease, Captured by ベムポーグを!

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: All our allies are destroyed and enemy planes invade the power plant.

First of all, just let Shingeta and ビッグ·オー stand by in front of the power plant. That’s it. In the third round, our reinforcements arrived on the left side of the map, and the W Gundam Zero (piloted by Trova) forced the attack. The defeat condition of all allies is changed to the destruction of all allies' warships. After all the enemy's initial configuration is destroyed, ゴッドマーズ (タケル) will appear. At the same time, enemy reinforcements will appear in the lower left corner of the map. The defeat conditions were once again changed to the destruction of the Gerodrome, the destruction of our battleship, and the destruction of the Pyrotron (HP8300). After knocking down other enemies except ベムポーグ?グルゾン, ベムポーグ·グルゾン can be shot down. Pass the level after destroying them all.

Chapter 13 アイスドールグラキエース (male protagonist) Fate No Wind (heroine)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of ラー?カイラム

When the enemy's initial configuration is down to 5 machines, the initial configuration will retreat and enemy reinforcements will appear in the upper left corner. Meanwhile, the hero strikes out. When there are 8 enemy reinforcements left, 3 reinforcements will appear above the map.

At the same time, the Black Tower appeared and knocked down all the new reinforcements. When the enemy on the map has 4 machines left, reinforcements will appear again at the top of the map! At the same time, the protagonist's body was damaged due to overload, but fortunately it was still usable. An additional defeat condition is added: the destruction of the protagonist’s machine! Pass the level after destroying all enemies

Episode 14 Arrival! The evil god of the South China Sea! !

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of our battleships, destruction of the True Gate Tower, destruction of the Black Gate Tower

True Gate Tower 1, Black Gate Tower, Structural Tower Forced attack. When there are 5 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, enemy reinforcements will appear in the upper left corner of the map. After all annihilation, enter the second map.

Victory conditions: annihilation of all enemies. Defeat conditions: destruction of our battleships

Here we only need to destroy Saotome's true dragon. When the enemy force has 5 machines left, Shingeta 1 (Ryoma) attacks.

After destroying the real dragon, Saotome appears on the メタルビースト?ドラゴン! And it is surrounded by three forms of Geta G. The objective of the battle is to completely destroy the enemy, and the conditions for defeat are the destruction of our warships and the true tower. Since the enemy's main target is the real tower, you need to be very careful. In the end, Dr. Saotome's Miraculous System was completely destroyed by Shingeta's sun attack.

Chapter 15 Assault! Star Empire's Star Fleet

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Conditions: The destruction of our battleships and the destruction of the Star Empire

ガイヤー(タケル),グレイダーザー(デューク) forced attack. Since all our troops are surrounded in the middle, in such a situation, we can focus on defense first. Pass the level after destroying all enemies. (Char has returned to the team)

There are branch choices after passing the level. Go to Jupiter and participate in the Kareem Raiders campaign.

The main ones that go to Jupiter are M7 series and Zhen Getai units, and there are no Gundam series (except W series). There are mainly no M7 series and Zhen Getai units in the strategy battle route.

Episode 16: ジュピター·ミラージュ (Jupiter)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of our own aircraft

ZZ Gundam (Jetdo) , Gundam MK-3 (Lu), Shin Geta 1 (Ryuma), Shin Dragon (Hao) forced attack.

Since ZZ Gundam and Gundam MK3 debuted for the first time, their evasion capabilities are not very strong. In addition to Jie Duo's evasion, which is pretty good, it would be best to add a focus to Lu. The best way here is to join the Getta 2 machine. After a hard battle, the first part of this level is over. Entered part two. After the initial configuration of the second part is completely destroyed, enemy reinforcements appear on the left side of the map. The defeat conditions are changed to: the destruction of True Dragon, the destruction of True Gate Tower, and the destruction of バトル7. In the next round, singer バサラ appears at the bottom of the map. When the enemy force has 5 machines left, reinforcements will appear again! , the BOSS of this level: コーウェン also appeared. Pass the level after destroying all enemies.

Episode 16 Showdown! Marathon (strategy operation)

Victory conditions: All enemies except Marathon are destroyed. Defeat conditions: All of us are destroyed, and the Marathon is destroyed

Z Gundam (Camus), Desert Gundam Kai (Katru), Gokuda (タケル), V-Shock Gundam (Husuo), and Gokuda (ケンジ) are forced to attack. Among them, Guerra's HP has been reduced by half during the plot stage, so you need to pay attention. After downing an enemy aircraft, enemy reinforcements will appear at the bottom of the map, and Malko will leave the battle. The victory condition is changed to the total destruction of the enemy, and the defeat condition is the total destruction of our team. After destroying all enemies, enter the second map.

Victory condition: Destroy all enemies. Defeat condition: Rakura's destruction

Since the teammates who were forced to attack in the first half of the episode have not returned yet, they cannot attack. Pass the level after destroying all enemies. If all the other enemies are destroyed without knocking down Korol, Koruna will escape.

Chapter 18: Back to the Back (Meeting)

Victory condition: All enemies are destroyed Defeat condition: The Shogo machine is destroyed

Although Shogo was hit The possibility is not high, but its hit rate is not very ideal either. Moreover, once you are hit, it will be game over, so it is recommended to use two rounds of concentration and rush to fight. After all are destroyed, this map ends.

As for the maps in the second half of the chapter, if you still use focus and rush forward, you will basically be able to kill with one hit. After shooting down 4 enemy planes, an incident occurred and B·D appeared. Pass the level after all annihilation

Chapter 17 Kakura Strategy Battle (Strategy Battle)

Victory Condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Condition: Rakura?Kararu's destruction

Get Amuro's ν Gundam HWS outfit in this level. After knocking down the enemy's initial Agar, enemy reinforcements will appear in the lower left corner of the map. Among the reinforcements that appeared, Sasuke ran away when his HP dropped below 20. Pass the level after all annihilation

Chapter 19 アナザーアースより来たるもの

Victory conditions: All enemies are annihilated. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our warships and the destruction of Shogo aircraft

Surface (MS) (Shougo), Sweat=ザウ (B·D) forced attack. The ブラッキー(マザーバーン) and the ガンダル(マザーバーン) run away when their HP falls below 20. After wiping out all the enemies, a ズール (Emperor ズール, HP 35000) will appear at the bottom left of the map and then pass the level.

Chapter 20: The Tiger of the Galaxy

Victory conditions: The enemy is completely destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of the タケル aircraft, the destruction of our battleships, and the invasion of the colonial star by enemy aircraft

ゴッドマーズ forced attack. Speaking of defense again, with 4 defensive points, it is natural to divide the troops into 2 to fight defensive counterattacks. When there are 5 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, reinforcements will appear in the upper left corner of the map, killing 9 aircraft. In this story, Mari can be said by Eru. The クロッベン will regenerate after being knocked down for the first time. Pass the level after total destruction


Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of our battleships

In this episode, you will get the V2 Gundam. After the initial deployment of all enemies is eliminated, reinforcements will appear at the top of the map. At the same time, on the left side of the map, VF-19 modification, VF-11MAXL modification, and VF-17T modification appear! An additional defeat condition has been added: the destruction of Sasuna. Among the reinforcements, Kirara (FBz-99G Gingerbread) escaped with less than 2000 HP. Kirara (HP30000) escapes with HP below 20. Defeat any one of them and the rest will retreat. After passing the level, you can get the mass-produced ν Gundam and Nighthawk.

Episode 22: The Commander-in-Chief of the Koruna Fleet, Koruna Challenge!

Victory conditions: The enemy is completely destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our warships and the destruction of the アドラステア

When the enemy has 11 aircraft left in the initial configuration, all alien reinforcements will appear. The original enemy retreated.ダルタニアス(Swordman) and ゴッドマーズ(タケル) attack. After the enemy configuration has 10 machines left, enemy reinforcements will appear in the upper right corner of the map. Mac appeared again. The クロッベン will regenerate after being knocked down for the first time. After regeneration, escape with HP below 20.

Chapter 23 Brilliant! Giant ローラー combat!

Victory conditions: The HP of the ドゥカーmachine is reduced to below 20, and the HP of the ビビニーデンmachine is reduced to below 20. Defeat conditions: The destruction of the タワー, the destruction of the アドラステア, the アドラステア invades the neighborhood

First, Draw a defensive line. The most important thing is that the two ends and the middle part must be defended by ace pilots. Adoras's HP is 25,000. After knocking down the HP of one of the Abilities to less than 20, enemy reinforcements will appear on the left. The victory condition is to increase the HP of a クロノクル machine to below 20. After knocking down one of the Abilities to 20 HP again, reinforcements appeared again. After the victory conditions are met, the story ends.

Chapter 24: Hearing the こえないレクイエム

Victory conditions: All enemies except アドラステア. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our battleships, the destruction of アドラステア, the slingshot machine, and the bullet machine. , Destruction of any one of the Arifur machines

Forced sorties of Arial, V2 Gundam, Galactica, and V Shock Gundam. W Gundam Zero sortie cannot be used. After defeating the normal soldiers and non-Adoras, a plot will occur. Clear the level after the plot is over

Chapter 25 Life and Death: Binding

The first option that appears in this episode is whether to name the new landline by yourself. If you want to name it yourself If so, select the option below.

Victory conditions: annihilation of all enemies. Defeat conditions: destruction of our own aircraft

Wing Gundam Type Zero (Hiro) and Rurator are forced to attack. In the 3rd round, ビッグ?オー appears. In the 4th round, our reinforcements arrived on the right side of the map, and at the same time, enemy reinforcements appeared above, not far from the upper left of our main force. At the same time, the defeat conditions are changed to the destruction of our battleship, the destruction of the protagonist's aircraft, and the destruction of the Ruricules. When the enemy has 10 machines left, reinforcements will appear again at the bottom of the map. In addition, after being mounted on the main ship, Ruriana will take in Lilina and merge into Rariana. Pass the level after destroying all the enemy forces

Chapter 26: Hibiki Soul No Kyokata (male protagonist) Sasaki, Tsurugi (heroine)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed Defeat conditions : Destruction of our warships

When there are 9 machines left in the initial configuration, reinforcements will appear at the entrance at the top of the map. After destroying all enemies on the map, enter the base. The second half of the story begins. The protagonist is forced to attack, and the others choose 14 machines.

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed (the protagonist reaches the designated location) Defeat conditions: The protagonist's aircraft is destroyed

After the initial deployment of total destruction, reinforcements will appear at the top of the map. The last BOSS ウィオラーケウム (コンターギオ HP 34500, small HP recovery, large EN recovery) escapes when the HP is below 6900.

Chapter 27: The Rebellious One

Victory condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat condition: The destruction of our warships

There are 5 machines left in the initial configuration When , enemy reinforcements appear in the upper left corner of the map. After all reinforcements are destroyed, reinforcements will appear again in the upper right corner of the map. Victory conditions have been changed: All enemies except アドラステア are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Our battleship is destroyed, アドラステア is destroyed. When the enemy force has 5 aircraft left, the main ship is severely damaged, and Fura appears! After wiping out all enemies except Arata, Arata will not surrender, so: Kill!

Chapter 28 Battlefield, Father’s Battlefield, Son

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of our battleships, destruction of the サウンドフォース

This Get the Hi-ν Gundam.サウンドフォース (VF-19 modified to F, VF-17T, VF-11MAXL modified) forced attack. In the 3rd round, because of the plot, Buzura would go up to Garra (HP12500, run away when HP is 3750) by herself and sing. So, pay attention to his safety. If it's more than a week and the transformation is almost done, then you don't need to worry about him at all. After all is wiped out, the first half of the chapter will pass.

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed, and the MINURCA is adjacent to our battleship. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our battleship, the destruction of MINULA, and the destruction of MIニフォー.

ダルタニアス is forced to attack, with 13 machines of your choice. To deal with a map like this, first let Minami add an iron wall, rush up to it and use it as cannon fodder to protect yourself from death. Although the enemy will also attack Minami, they will protect him from death in the first round of attacks. Our large forces should make a rapid march. Those who can transform into MA should transform into MA form to speed up their actions. If there is acceleration, I will ask you whether to use acceleration. After the Minerva is adjacent to the main ship, the Gaussian (Specialized Gaussian) joins. After passing the level, choose a route, which is to lead to the old Eris (Swordman route) or to guide the Eregas (V Gundam route).

Chapter 29: The truth of violence (received from the old Elios)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of the タケル, the destruction of the バトル7


Gurna is forced to attack. After defeating Marathon, Marathon also merged into Samurai (HP 40,000, if all the details of Matara and Malage are completed, Malage can become Nakama). After all are destroyed, enemy reinforcements will appear on the upper right and lower left sides of the map. During the reinforcements, Habit escaped with HP below 6000. After destroying all enemies again, 5 aircraft reinforcements will appear in the upper left corner of the map.

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of バトル7, destruction of ダルタニアス

Forced attack by ダルタニアス. First choose to retreat. If the change is full, just use it as cannon fodder (add iron wall). Be careful not to move. Pass the level after destroying them all.

Chapter 29 Illusion と踊れ (Strategy)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed Defeat conditions: Destruction of ラー?カイラム

After knocking down ベル, in the lower left corner of the map, Fura leads enemy reinforcements to appear. After all is destroyed, enter the second half of the episode.

When sending troops in the second half of the chapter, the player will be asked to choose whether to ask Sasuke to send troops. If they send troops first, they can only send out 9 machines, and the Char series and V2 Gundam that are counterattacking cannot advance. If you choose to ask Saskatchewan to send troops, then Saskatchewan will appear in the upper right corner of the map in the 4th round. When the enemy force has 5 aircraft left, reinforcements will appear at the bottom left of the map. When Kurunuku's HP is lowered to below 20, all the reinforcements on the lower left will retreat. Seiro also retreats when he has 20 HP left. Pass the level after all annihilation

Chapter 30: Rebellion of the Rebellion (Lead to Old Elios)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of バトル7, クロッベン machine Destroy

After the initial enemy configuration is completely destroyed, enemy reinforcements will appear at the bottom of the map. After total destruction, enter the second half of the chapter.

Victory condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat condition: Destruction of バトル7

When the enemy force has 7 machines left, reinforcements will appear on the lower left and right sides of the map. When the enemy force has 10 machines left, reinforcements will appear again in the lower corner of the map. Nesas and Kurato will regenerate after being knocked down. After the two of them are defeated, the enemy will retreat.

Chapter 30: Crazy のエンジェル·ハイロゥ (Strategy)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of ラー·カイラム, the destruction of the sling machine

V2AB Gundam (Huso) is forced to attack. The Fura in this story is really hateful, her base strength is LV5, her mobility is 145, and she has a halo on her body. If you want to hit her, you can only use concentration without adding a sure hit and get the S/L method, and there are soldiers with MAP weapons next to her. Therefore, first deal with the Fura or MAP weapons Ginko (the ones that can hit you with MAP weapons), and the rest will be easy to talk about. After defeating Fura, reinforcements will appear in the lower right corner of the map. After being wiped out again, enemy reinforcements will appear at the top of the map. If you knock down one of the クロノクル or カテジナ, you will retreat. Entering the second half of the chapter

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of Rakuro, the destruction of Husuo's machine, and Husuo's failure to reach the designated location within 5 rounds

V2AB Gundam (Huso) forced the attack. After Husuo arrived at the designated place, クロノクル and カテジナ appeared on the angel ring. The defeat condition is changed to the destruction of Rare·Kararu. All that's left is to destroy all the enemy forces! Husuo's main level can be said to be クロノクル and カテジナ.

Chapter 31 The Emperor of Darkness (Convergence)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of our battleships

A map with such a flanking attack from both sides , can only be divided into two places. You can occupy the favorable terrain of the colonial star (no more than extra health and less damage) and when there are only 5 enemy aircraft left, reinforcements will appear at the top of the map. Pass the level after destroying them all. After passing the level, choose the route: To the Star Empire or to Planet Rakusu.

Episode 32 The showdown between the rebel planets! (Empire)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of Rakura

Kurna is forced to attack. When there are 5 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, enemy reinforcements will appear in the upper right corner of the map. The enemy BOSS ワール (ワール large spaceship, HP34500) escaped with HP below 6900. Pass the level after destroying them all.

Chapter 32: Forbidden Planet のシビル (Planet)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of バトル7, enemy planes invade the ruins

Enemy The time for troops to invade the ruins is 3 turns. The rest is all about defense. Use continuous attacks frequently to help clear enemy units quickly. When there are 5 machines left in the enemy force, a plot will occur, and Hazard, Yura and others will appear. At the same time, the defeat conditions are changed to: destruction of the バトル7, destruction of the バサラ machine. The enemy BOSS Garra (Garage HP 40,000, small recovery, large EN recovery, escapes when HP is below 8,000), after destroying all enemy troops, enemy reinforcements will appear in the lower right corner of the map. After all enemy BOSS バルゴ (バルゴHP38000, HP recovery is small, EN recovery is large, escapes when HP is below 7600), enter the second half of the episode

Victory condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat condition: Destruction of バトル7 , Destruction of the バサラ machine

バサラ, ミレーヌ, レイ forced attack.

Chapter 33: The Despicable Emperor Rura (Empire)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: The destruction of Rakura

When the enemy troops remain At 5 machine hours, enemy reinforcements appear at the bottom of the map. In this episode, the ワール (ワール large spaceship, HP36000) escapes at 7200 HP, and the レディガンダル (マザーバーン, HP32500) escapes at 6500 HP. After total destruction, enter the second half of the chapter

In the second half of the chapter, since the main ship cannot move, players can choose a fully defensive or offensive combat method based on their current overall transformation and level. After the initial deployment of all enemies was wiped out, Aru led new reinforcements to appear, and another hard battle began. After knocking down the Emperor Uruguay, I thought I had finally succeeded, but unexpectedly, he regenerated again, but ran away again... This level is over.

Chapter 33: Defeat to the Death (Planet)

Victory Condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat Condition: Destruction of バトル7

Amuro, Char, Milia forced the attack. Another point to note is that the captain of BATTLE 7 in this chapter is not Maluku, but Ekoru, who has no command ability. Defeat one of the two BOSSes in this level, either Urara or Garuda, and the rest will retreat.

Episode 34: Fight to the death! The final battle of the Star Star! (Empire)

Victory conditions: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat conditions: Destruction of the タケル machine, destruction of the ラー?カイラム

ゴッドマーズ (タケル), グレンダイザー (デューク) Forced attack. The first half of the episode ends after all is wiped out.

At the beginning of the second half of the episode, ゴッドマーズ (タケル) and ダルタニアス (Swordman) forced to attack. The ズール in this episode (HP43750, small HP recovery, large EN recovery, base strength LV7, super power LV7) has 3... BT terrible ones. After solving those three ズールs, another one appeared above the map! It turns out that this is the real body (HP150000, HP recovery is small, EN recovery is large)! Let's attack them all... After being beaten once, this guy will be resurrected again, and then he will use Qiai and Dagenxing to knock his HP below 50.

Chapter 34: Nightmare's Invasion Operation (Planet)

Victory Conditions: All enemies are destroyed, our aircraft reaches the designated area. Defeat Conditions: The destruction of the Maliksu Machine and the destruction of the Guraon Machine , サウンドフォース's destruction

VF-22S·SボーグルIIF (マックス), VF-19FイクスカリバーF (ガムリン), VF-11MAXL changed to SB (ミレーヌ), VF-19 changed to FバルキリーSB (バサラ), VF-17T changed to ナイトメアSB (レイ) forced attack. In the previous chapter (Defense of Death), the machine that has already attacked cannot attack. When there are 7 aircraft left in the enemy's initial configuration, enemy reinforcements will appear in the middle of the map. If we repeat it 3 times, we are almost at the target area. After they were completely destroyed, Garra and Garra appeared. At the same time, the combat objectives remain unchanged. Enter the second half of the chapter after meeting the victory conditions.

Victory conditions: annihilation of all enemies. Defeat conditions: Destruction of the Marquis machine, destruction of the Gullin machine, destruction of the Structural machine.

VF-22S·SボーグルIIF (Miraclion), VF- 22S·SボーグルIIF (マックス), VF-19FイクスカリバーF (ガムリン), VF-11MAXL changed to SB (ミレーヌ), VF-19 changed to FバルキリーSB (バサラ), VF-17T changed to ナイトメアSB (レイ) forced attack . Pass the level after destroying them all.

Episode 35: The Song of Hibiki Galaxy (Planet)

Victory condition: All enemies are destroyed. Defeat condition: Destruction of the バトル7, destruction of the ミレーヌ machine

BATTLE7 cannot move. Since the enemy moves left first,