Liu Liyue: Your wishes include etiquette, so choose the word etiquette from it.
If the baby is born in November, choose the character for the month. Judging from the birth date and horoscope, the name must have the help of wood, and the five-element attribute of the moon character is wood. Judging from the zodiac sign, the zodiac sign is tiger, the radical of month should be auspicious in the name, and the radical of month should be moon.
The word Yili means etiquette, fireworks, and poetry; Yue means moonlight, moonlight, and Yueqin, which has a beautiful meaning.
The pronunciation of Liu, Li, and Yue are liú, lǐ, and yuè, and the tones are Yangping, Shangteng, and Quteng, and the pronunciation is good.
Liu is a left-right structure with 6 strokes; Li is a left-right structure with 5 strokes; Yue is a single character with 4 strokes; the font is beautiful and easy to write.
The five-square strokes of this name are 15-18-4, which means the five-square strokes are very lucky.
The meaning of the name can be interpreted as: "Love is the gift of moonlight". The idiom "courtesy reciprocates" and the scenery and moonlight expand the artistic conception of the name.
This good name is given to you; give me additional points.