Your precious daughter has eight characters: Geng Yin, Yi You and Xin Si. In the afternoon, there are three gold, one water, two wood and two fire, and the five elements are short of soil. In August, Geng Jin, the sheep blade grasps the order, and the gold gas is the sharpest. It's late autumn, and the cold is getting heavier and heavier. Therefore, propyl and butyl must be used at the same time. Using Ding Lian Jin and C fire to relieve cold is a combination of official killing and killing. If Ding Jiatou, see a third, fame. Look at the sheep blade without penalty, C kills Tibet, and the famous sheep blade kills. The Lord will enter the phase and introduce the loyal subjects directly. The eight characters are Ding Huo Zang Wuzhi, C Huo Zang Sizhi, Jia Mu Zang Yinzhi, and all of them have tones, but they are not obvious, so they are slightly inferior. Name it and fill it with fire. You can use the sun, the side of the fire and the red color. Daniel red, etc. Lack of soil, take a nickname to fill in.
Can be named: Liang (Dan, meaning red. Yan means a beautiful jade. )
Liang Huining (Hui, meaning smart, witty, intelligent and peaceful, meaning peace, tranquility and harmony. )
Liang (open, open-minded, open-minded, open-minded, developed, smart, alert and clever. )
Liang (Yu Yun, written by Lu Ji) said, "The mountains are full of rocks, the water is full of pearls, and the Sichuan is beautiful." )
Nicknames: Pei Ling, Qian Jia, Yun Sheng .....
For reference.